Oddly, I've got a Ben Franklin quote right at my elbow, on the copywright page of one of Rosemary Wells's
Bunny Planet
books. From a letter he wrote to one of his nephews in 1771:
It is the first duty of a flagging spirit to seek renewal in the latitudes of whimsy. I, for one, dream on beyond the five planets to a world without wickedness; verdant, mild, and populated by amiable lapins.
He should be on any sane person's Dinner With Anyone From History short list; it'd definitely be one of those dinners where nobody wanted to stop talking and listening long enough to actually eat and all the food got cold and congealed, but you wouldn't even notice being hungry because the conversation had been so fantastic. Though all the beer probably wouldn't hurt either.
And, in other news, I send Sean armloads of tacklehugs. I think of you almost every time I look at Matilda now; I see her head of wispy hair and remember you and S. visiting and your story of how you loved your little sister and how terribly you resented the hair that finally grew because it took away her extra-lovable "baby head," and I love you all over again.
It kills me, because this is not the him I know.
I just made my first dentist appointment in 7 years. Meep. I'm scared. Don't wanna go.
ow! How many times do I have to smush my fingers in the hole punch before I learn not to hold it that way?
Jess, the first time I went back to the dentist after more than 10 years, I had no cavities! There is hope!
for those stressing, whether it's work, dentist appointment, or trying to come up with a Natter title. I offer this:
Very much work safe. I think sound, even at low level, helps a lot.
And, in other news, I send Sean armloads of tacklehugs. I think of you almost every time I look at Matilda now; I see her head of wispy hair and remember you and S. visiting and your story of how you loved your little sister and how terribly you resented the hair that finally grew because it took away her extra-lovable "baby head," and I love you all over again.
Buffistas: Good for what ails you!
Thanks, JZ.
Why do people say they'll take something on Freecycle without first looking at the measurements, which are right there in the description?
But in good freecycle news, I seem to have found someone who'll take this planter thing that's been sitting in my apartment getting in the way of everything for months.
Mom finally watched my game show. She says, "great job! You look really smart."
ow! How many times do I have to smush my fingers in the hole punch before I learn not to hold it that way
Somehow, those two quotes together just crack me up. Mwah! LOVE YOU LAGA!!!!
I'm not worried about having cavities. I'm worried about having sensitive teeth and being in massive amounts of pain.
They always tell me they're being gentle. But they AREN'T.