Why do people say they'll take something on Freecycle without first looking at the measurements, which are right there in the description?
But in good freecycle news, I seem to have found someone who'll take this planter thing that's been sitting in my apartment getting in the way of everything for months.
Mom finally watched my game show. She says, "great job! You look really smart."
ow! How many times do I have to smush my fingers in the hole punch before I learn not to hold it that way
Somehow, those two quotes together just crack me up. Mwah! LOVE YOU LAGA!!!!
I'm not worried about having cavities. I'm worried about having sensitive teeth and being in massive amounts of pain.
They always tell me they're being gentle. But they AREN'T.
In fairness, Daisy's Friend doesn't say whether he asked other people, or whether the others volunteered their opinions. Although, if he's asking Daisy, who he hasn't spoken to in a while, I have my suspicions.
Other People may be able to see a legitimate problem in a relationship that the people involved can't. But "she isn't cute enough for you" isn't a legitimate problem.
I'm with the "no, he shouldn't" crowd, though maybe for a slightly different reason. If you aren't mature enough to ignore people who say not to propose based on looks, you aren't mature enough to marry.
Novocaine is your friend.
Jess, try sedation dentistry. I have friends that swear by it. Me? I hate needles so much, I take nothing. Even if they're re-filling an old cavity, I am not having a shot. I guess it's good I don't find it painful. My dentist is amazed.
{{{Sean}}} Just because.
Go vw on the thesis-completing! That's wonderful, and we're all very proud of you.
If you aren't mature enough to ignore people who say not to propose based on looks, you aren't mature enough to marry.
I'm with Fred Pete. DJ, I'm sorry you've got to deal with this.
Oh, yes, lots of hugs for Sean, because he's awesome.
Last time I was at the dentist, the hygeinist put some numbing cream on my gums after I complained too much. I was all, "What? You've had this stuff that'll make this not hurt for years, and you're just telling me about it now?"
Although, if he's asking Daisy, who he hasn't spoken to in a while, I have my suspicions.
That's the part that bothers me the least. We always talk like that. It'll be three months and I'll call him up and say something like "Hey how's it going? Yeah, love the new job. Mr. Jane's great! So should I think about going to graduate school?"
But, I do think that letting your friends (though honestly they're probably more like people he works with who he is around all the time so might as well hang out like you're buddies kind of people) dictate not only how you feel about someone, but basing a life changing decision on their opinions? Get out. Both of you.