I'm not sure anyone really lives up to their early promise.
Well...y'all aren't going to let me compare myself to famous people, are you? Because at least one of the ones who lives in my head in fictional form was a frickin' underachiever as a child. But he, um, I mean the fictional construct in my head, thinks I should stop worrying about the past and work on my book, being that he's a major character and would rather see me put him on the page than obsess over past mistakes.
The rice pudding place has been around for a few years. hasn't it? Or am I thinking of a different rice pudding restaurant?
The rice pudding place has been around for a few years. hasn't it?
Yeah, it has. But it's still ridonkulous.
No argument there. I would not have guessed it would have lasted this long.
Speaking of which, today is National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day.
I should go here for lunch, except that it's nowhere near me.
Speaking of which, today is National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day.
National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day.
A holiday with its own built-in earworm!
(edit: man, I should've expected the x-post)
today is National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day.
Which means....
IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!! (Link has sound; it's NOT a RickRoll.)
t edit