the idea that I’m a failure because I don’t have the prestigious career that everybody predicted for me when I was younger
It's like the curse of the former gifted child, isn't it? I hate that. I'm so prone to it myself -- I was supposed to be a sooper-geeeenius, and here I can't even pick a field -- but I've settled into it. I kind of figure at this point I'm gathering quirky details for my eventual book-jacket blurb (assessed computers for the Navy, edited press releases for Hustler, learned dirty words from her Spanish-speaking students, and spent a year teaching a subject she didn't know from Adam). Once I hit 80 and have to admit that I'm not likely to get a book jacket for the blurb to go on, everyone else will be retired and worrying about their next surgery too, so what'll it matter? At that point the only missed Life Accomplishment I'll have to explain away is not having any grandchildren to drive me to the hospital.
That's my plan. It wouldn't work for you, with your goals and plans and stuff (clarification: that's totally a dig at my aimlessness, NOT your good thinking), but it's how I cope. I'm not sure anyone really lives up to their early promise. If I had to do it over again, I think I'd pretend to be really dumb as a child, so holding down a decent job which (almost) pays the bills would actually be impressive rather than disappointing.
Anyway, I must go make copies, because otherwise my Architecture class will rise up and attack me with... er, lacrosse sticks, I think.
Oops, I spoke too soon. Because there is also this.
Dear NYC restauranteurs,
ION, the single-food restaurant fad has officially gone too far.
I think there's plenty of room to go further.
It's like the curse of the former gifted child, isn't it? I hate that.
Dude, I was walking and had potty trained myself by age 1. Everything's a disappointment after that.
I feel...stupid.
t feels Joe
Hmm... no, not stupid...
t keeps feeling Joe
Someone want to help me with this? Come feel Joe!
It's like the curse of the former gifted child, isn't it? I hate that.
I'm still pretty gifted for a child!
My head is spinning from a research request that can't be answered, but has to be attempted because it is for someone who is arguing in front of the Supremes next week.
Also, every new memo by John Yoo throws me. By now I know what they're like, but I also know the man and reconciling my two views of him is crazy making. The banality of evil and all that...
That potato restaurant hasn't gone far enough! I need it here! That marsala reduction sounds amazing.
Single food, single cuisine, whatever. That's why there's more than one restaurant. On a non-potato day (what's that????) I can go somewhere else.
My head is spinning from a research request that can't be answered, but has to be attempted because it is for someone who is arguing in front of the Supremes next week.
::Imagines Ruth Bader Ginsberg singing "Stop in the Name of Law" while being backed up by Souder, Stevens and Breyer in spangled robes while Scalia looks on sourly::
I'll talk about "[Chief Justice] and the Supremes" in those moments when I feel convinced that the Supreme Court has nothing to do with justice. Which does happen from time to time.
On a non-potato day (what's that????)
That's the day that does not end in the word 'day', I think.