That's the evil plan! Sean is just bait.
You're...not so good with the Evil Plans are you? I mean, rule #2 is, like, "Don't spill details of Evil Plan until you have the Hero chained up in some ridiculously contrived Death Trap and even then you might want to wait until the plan succeeds and then spell it out for the viewers."
I haven't even gotten into my car yet and now I know it's all just some dastardly ruse.
Ruse or not it is still a bone chilling sixty degrees here.
Ruse or not it is still a bone chilling sixty degrees here.
Okay, the list of People Who Need To Have Their Fucking Teeth Knocked Down Their Throat is, to date:
Now, this is just in relation to temperature and people I know. I have a whole other giant list for people I don't personally know and other reasons for teeth-down-throat-knockage.
Now, I just need a couple thousand dollars to pack up my family and move them to California.
Well here in NonCrazyLand, it is a balmy 45. And raining.
That funding can be arranged MM.
PS. Brrrrrrrrrrr
Dude, if that was all it would take, we'd start a Bring the Miracleborns Home pot and you'd be here in a matter of months. IJS.
That funding can be arranged MM.
Plus an extra couple of bucks for a crowbar with which I will knock your teeth down your fucking throat.
I can maybe start the pot with some seed money by selling my winter clothing...
Oh no. I'm frighted by the scary idle threats from the mostly frozen man.
Oh no. I frighted by the scrary idle threats from the mostly frozen man.
I will thaw, sir. Someday...I will thaw.
That funding can be arranged MM.
I'm in for at least $50 if it means MM can deliver a beating on my behalf.
It's like a telethon!