That would be fun. Especially if I got to see his face.
Dear company x,
As you may recall, we first discussed working together in [x year]. The attached emails reflect our discussion regarding the proposal that I submitted to you. It has come to my attention that Company X has been using material that is substantially similar to the material that I submitted in [x year]. I understand that in the ensuing time, there may have been some unintentional blending of our materials, so I am asking you to review your materials and remove any of the copyrighted material that I submitted to your company, and respond to me in writing to that effect.
I look forward to hearing from you.
does it feel roommate-y sometimes? Or is there a roommate-like aspect? Is this normal?
Completely. I mean, he *is* your roommate, as well as being your relationship. If you can manage both of them harmoniously, then you're in great shape, even if your harmony != always in sync all the time.
Is this normal?
Yup. DH and I have lived together for almost 10 years, now, and we are still learning how to mesh our different schedules into time together and time apart and time getting shit that needs doing done. You reading while he tinkers
Quality Relationship Time in which you practice allowing each other to pursue your own interests while still being around each other. That's pretty advanced, I'd say.
so is it just me or do all cat owners sing, "Psycho Kitty"?
So, let me ask -- married folk/people living in sin: does it feel roommate-y sometimes? Or is there a roommate-like aspect? Is this normal?
OMG, YES. But even after nineteen years, we still have our, uh, definitely non-roommatey moments.
OMG, YES. But even after nineteen years, we still have our, uh, definitely non-roommatey moments.
And THAT, my darlings, is the key.
and different bedtimes - not unusual. Not always desirable, but there are all kinds of ways to work around the night owl/ early bird syndrome.
and it seems to me that a live-in relationship ranges from hi, oh yeah we share a bed to hooray the person I love most in the world is here, I must crush them with my love to please vanish for three hours so I can be all by myself and yes, take the cat with you.
so is it just me or do all cat owners sing, "Psycho Kitty"?
yes - all of us do that , however my favorite is
Praise Percy from whom all fur flies
praise him , oh hear him meow
Percy loves me this I know
Because his meowing tell me so ....
Thanks Vortex! That's hugely helpful.
And thanks Java for the encouragement.
Who'da ever thunk I would end up in the middle of an intellectual property dispute. Clue: not me.
So, let me ask -- married folk/people living in sin: does it feel roommate-y sometimes? Or is there a roommate-like aspect? Is this normal?
Hahaha. Yes. Normal.
We are TOTALLY roomies who occasionally like to hang out, and also like to occasionally do other stuff, too.