Tara: What's so bad about them coming here? Aren't they good guys? I mean, Watchers, that's just like whole other Gileses, right? Buffy: Yes! They're scary and horrible!


Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

lori - Apr 03, 2008 5:50:09 am PDT #9110 of 10001

Happy Scola Day! I hope you are feeling better, and that you don't have to jump through anyone else's hoops.

Matt the Bruins fan - Apr 03, 2008 5:51:16 am PDT #9111 of 10001
"I remember when they eventually introduced that drug kingpin who murdered people and smuggled drugs inside snakes and I was like 'Finally. A normal person.'” —RahvinDragand

Happy Birthday Tom!

Ooh, that sounds good! I had a well-balanced dinner, in stages, that ended up being one thing too many:

1) small bowl of chili

2) small tortilla with cheese

3) brocolli with ranch dressing
4) thin mints

Woman, did you learn nothing from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life?!?

Miracleman - Apr 03, 2008 5:53:02 am PDT #9112 of 10001
No, I don't think I will - me, quoting Captain Steve Rogers, to all of 2020

Now think of this: We each are the designated plug pullers for our mothers.

I will sleep soundly tonight.

Jesse - Apr 03, 2008 5:56:11 am PDT #9113 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Woman, did you learn nothing from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life?!?

Um, yes. I did learn nothing. I actually don't think I've ever seen The Meaning of Life.

What crucial lesson did I miss??

lisah - Apr 03, 2008 5:58:00 am PDT #9114 of 10001
Punishingly Intricate

What crucial lesson did I miss??

It's the mint at the end that will kill you.

Matt the Bruins fan - Apr 03, 2008 5:58:57 am PDT #9115 of 10001
"I remember when they eventually introduced that drug kingpin who murdered people and smuggled drugs inside snakes and I was like 'Finally. A normal person.'” —RahvinDragand

The danger of finishing off a big meal with a wafer-thin mint. Though I wouldn't recommend the Mr. Creosote segment if you get nauseated easily.

The movie has some great bits though, like "The Crimson Permanent Assurance" at the start and a dinner party unexpectedly attended by the Grim Reaper near the end.

shrift - Apr 03, 2008 6:00:25 am PDT #9116 of 10001
"You can't put a price on the joy of not giving a shit." -Zenkitty

And before I forget, happy birthday, Tom!

This means if there are any other Torchwood guests, we will have to deal with the Spike fangirls to attend the panels.

God damn it.

Emily - Apr 03, 2008 6:00:42 am PDT #9117 of 10001
"In the equation E = mc⬧, c⬧ is a pretty big honking number." - Scola

Well, she hardly had a Creosote-worthy meal to precede the mint. And while it was thin, we don't know that it was wafer-thin. Perhaps it was merely Girl Scout thin. Or possibly one-molecule-wide thin. We just don't know!

Frankenbuddha - Apr 03, 2008 6:08:10 am PDT #9118 of 10001
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

It's the mint at the end that will kill you.

That, or the salmon mousse.

CaBil - Apr 03, 2008 6:09:46 am PDT #9119 of 10001
Remember, remember/the fifth of November/the Gunpowder Treason and Plot/I see no reason/Why Gunpowder Treason/Should ever be forgot.

I have an open request in Apocalypse, people who can help please contact me at CaBil@aol.com

We now return to your regularly scheduled thread.