Actually my parents are in general pretty respectful of my life and choices I've made. I'm very lucky. (Not to say they don't get on my nerves sometimes.)
HA! You can say this again, sister! Actually my parents don't even get on my nerves so much anymore. Though they make me roll my eyes.
Adorable Daily Pup - looks v. Jack Russellish.
Today would have been my mother's 70th birthday. (I think 70th. .. possibly 69th.)
It should be more springlike.
shrift, can you start with an annhiliation of Brentwood?
Sure! Right after I destroy the person who keeps trying to fax shit to my phone every five minutes.
Adorable Daily Pup - looks v. Jack Russellish.
That pup looks like he's wearing eye-liner.
Right after I destroy the person who keeps trying to fax shit to my phone every five minutes.
Christ, again? Didn't that happen last week? Or is this a constant thing.
I just had a lovely twenty-minute stretch where I was sure the internet was gaslighting me. Complete with five different calls from the client, all of them calling about the same issue.
Also, across the various webpages, there are six different links to this one item they were looking for. HOW do they always manage to find the broken one?
2 job things and 1 personal thing DONE! take that friday.
Christ, again? Didn't that happen last week?
You see, Frank, despite the fact that I am not a morning person and often exacerbate that condition by not getting enough sleep and occasionally being hungover from shenanigans the night before, there are
very good reasons
why I want to destroy the world as often as I do.
Right after I destroy the person who keeps trying to fax shit to my phone every five minutes.
Can you forward the call to the fax machine, find out who is faxing then call them and YELL?