msbelle, that IS a win.
God bless my mom's repressed midwesterner soul. The only time in my life that she has mentioned my weight is a couple of years ago, after I lost 35 pounds she told me to be careful. OR maybe she said it after I lost weight and got pregnant.
If she disapproves of anything in my diet, I rarely hear about it.
The flip side, of course, is that when I piss her off, she stews and doesn't speak to me.
win/win + free and none of my "me time".
I think that makes it a win/win/win situation!
Grrrr... Fuck you, Google Calendar, for being down! I have appointments with teachers today and I'm not sure with whom or when. Which will make my job sort of sucky today because I will appear even flakier than usual. GR. ARGH.
shrift, can you start with an annhiliation of Brentwood? Because then no one would know I'm flaking on appts.
If she disapproves of anything in my diet, I rarely hear about it.
Yeah, my mom is tiny and she's never once said anything about my weight. Actually my parents are in general pretty respectful of my life and choices I've made. I'm very lucky. (Not to say they don't get on my nerves sometimes.)
Actually my parents are in general pretty respectful of my life and choices I've made. I'm very lucky. (Not to say they don't get on my nerves sometimes.)
HA! You can say this again, sister! Actually my parents don't even get on my nerves so much anymore. Though they make me roll my eyes.
Adorable Daily Pup - looks v. Jack Russellish.
Today would have been my mother's 70th birthday. (I think 70th. .. possibly 69th.)
It should be more springlike.
shrift, can you start with an annhiliation of Brentwood?
Sure! Right after I destroy the person who keeps trying to fax shit to my phone every five minutes.
Adorable Daily Pup - looks v. Jack Russellish.
That pup looks like he's wearing eye-liner.
Right after I destroy the person who keeps trying to fax shit to my phone every five minutes.
Christ, again? Didn't that happen last week? Or is this a constant thing.