D'you reckon that in the 60s when they were making Star Trek that there were all sorts of karate-like chops that render people unconscious but maybe we just haven't discovered them all yet? And I'm not even talking about the Vulcan nerve pinch--all these guys are almost Emma Peelesque in their chop fu.
It's a lost art, the practice of which is now known only by William Shatner.
Unbeknownst to the world, William Shatner is actually the master of a number of martial arts. He has traveled the world extensively, learning all there is to learn about fighting and finally distilling it to that one move...the ShatChop...with which he can disable any opponent, smash through solid diamond and bend space/time to his will.
If the Shat does not soon find an heir and pass along his knowledge, the ShatChop and all its attendant wisdom will be lost to the ages, and the Golden Age of Humanity will never come to pass. When the Arcturan Magistrates arrive on their Pogrom of Death/Cleanliness, as it is prophesied they will, we will have no defense. All will be lost.
There will be no...negotiation.
I had nightmares about this week at work.
Sadly, I woke up and they are all still true.
Off to a meeting.
Oh & I should add, I also woke up to 1.5 L of juice all across my kitchen floor. And a cat with sticky patches of fur.
Wow, it's like one of those locked room mysteries. Let us know if you find any clues, sara.
They're thinking about entering a clinical trial and have asked advice. As I know jack shit about that sort of thing, does anyone here know more than jack shit?
I'm sure meara & javachik can cover the clinical trial aspects but if your friend has medical questions I can pass them along to my doctor friend.
I dreamt this morning that my friend's parents were John Waters & Kathleen Turner. They were trying to keep Waters' ...gasp... gayness a secret from her. But everyone else knew.
Whyyyyy is it morning?
So we can be one day closer to the Torchwood finale. That's it. That's the only reason.
To torture me.
I'd seriously like something to go right.
As always, shrift is asking the important questions of the day.
My morning could have been worse - I almost walked through a plate-glass window. (I didn't see it - it looked like an open doorway to me.)