Silly me, I forgot who we're going on tour with.
SEE?! Do you know how much we're going to have to step up our game just to come across as entertainingly eccentric?
According to my librarian-schooled roommate, there are actually LoC categories for past life memoirs, and novels dictated by dead people. Because you're going to have to cross-list them somehow.
So, after the GCS book, I obviously need to write one dictated to me by Clovis. We'd probably get a huge advance for it.
Dana, I think the longer skirt might be dowdier.
They have the model posed very oddly. But I love the green and the light blue.
I am still getting used to a every 2 weeks pay system with my current set up of auto payments and money shifting from savings to checking and back. This month I am cutting things a little close.
Clovis the Devilbunny and the Very Bad Minion Who Wouldn't Obey, Even After Being Brought Back as a Zombie.
Think there's a market for it?
Does Clovis rock in it?
If clovis rocks I think it could sell. Or maybe if the minion rocks. Yeah, the minion is all "I don't have to obey,
I rock
" and then he gets his ass smacked down.
Clovis the Devilbunny and the Very Bad Minion Who Wouldn't Obey, Even After Being Brought Back as a Zombie.
five, please.
eta: ok, that was greedy. one for the sprog. one to give away. one to keep in the library. one for ... ok. yeah. five.