Clovis the Devilbunny and the Very Bad Minion Who Wouldn't Obey, Even After Being Brought Back as a Zombie.
"...and then the minion said 'But I don't want to be a minion! I want to be a dancer!'
And Clovis the Devilbunny shot him in the face and had his remains thrown in the furnace.
'One way or another you will help me achieve world domination,' the Devilbunny said. 'Even if it's only by adding a few BTUs to the Doom Carrot for a few seconds.'
Then the Devilbunny looked to the rest of his horde. 'Any other complaints?' he asked.
One minion raised his hand. 'Lord Devilbunny,' he said 'What is a Doom Carrot?'
And the Devilbunny shot him in the face. As his Horde of Undeath threw the second minion's body in the furnace, the Devilbunny promised them 'After we raze all the human cities and establish a tyrannical bunny order across the face of the globe, I will make you cookies!'
And the Horde of Undeath said 'Yea!' and marched into the night intent on destroying all mankind."
Joe, the Doom Carrot was last year's plan.
And that's one of Joe's GOOD dreams.
Joe, the Doom Carrot was last year's plan.
It's a children's book, Jilli. You don't want to write about current plans.
Because then some precocious five year old will come up with some way to fuck it all up.
Interesting article on torture and the media (like, say,
24) How Hollywood Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the (Ticking) Bomb
I discovered that when I gave interviews to major media on this subject, any time I used the word “torture” with reference to these techniques, the interview passage would not be used. At one point I was informed by a cable news network that “we put this on international, because we can’t use that word on the domestic feed.” “That word” was torture. I was coached or told that the words “coercive interrogation technique” were fine, but “torture” was a red light. Why? The Administration objected vehemently to the use of this word. After all, President Bush has gone before the cameras and stated more than three dozen times “We do not torture.” By using the T-word, I was told, I was challenging the honesty of the president. You just couldn’t do that.
A lot more at the link....
Fuck asskicking. Allyson needs the Lexus of nailguns to kill her and drag her inert form into the reference section of the public library, as a warning to others.
"You can fuck a faker up with that, and there's no recoil."
Fuck you, fuck your lousy editor and your bullshit "contrition" that is the same sort any little girl who tries to get out of a punishment by saying "Mommy, do you love me?" ought to get talked out of.
I say, as a punishment, she has to introduce herself to David Simon as a faker and have to listen to his whole journalistic shitlist, including the girl that wouldn't spin the bottle in the seventh grade.
Girlfriend will be begging to jail.(DS, I still love you. But you know I'm right.)
So, we need to restock on staples at our new house. We did a fly by of the grocery store. Milk? $5-6 a gallon (granted, for ease, we stopped at Gelsons which is super pricey). WTF?!? Then I read this [link] on blogher about making grocery money stretch. Inter-esting.
I say, as a punishment, she has to introduce herself to David Simon as a faker and have to listen to his whole journalistic shitlist, including the girl that wouldn't spin the bottle in the seventh grade. Girlfriend will be begging to jail.(DS, I still love you. But you know I'm right.)
I have finally done enough Wire watching and reading and catch-up that I can, at last, reply with full and total comprehension:
AH-HA-HAHAHAHAHA! Heh heh! Hee! Brilliant!