ack , brenda -got anyone in the neighborhood or a friend that can walk the dog - at least one longer walk so you only have to go out briefly
kathy , be extra careful
chrimg - boss ma~~
We just ate at our usual thai restaurant, where they gave a little green elephant key chain, It is very cute.
A Brief History of Chocolate
It's hard to pin down exactly when chocolate was born, but it's clear that it was cherished from the start. For several centuries in pre-modern Latin America, cacao beans were considered valuable enough to use as currency. One bean could be traded for a tamale, while 100 beans could purchase a good turkey hen, according to a 16th-century Aztec document.
Both the Mayans and Aztecs believed the cacao bean had magical, or even divine, properties, suitable for use in the most sacred rituals of birth, marriage and death. According to Chloe Doutre-Roussel's book The Chocolate Connoisseur, Aztec sacrifice victims who felt too melancholy to join in ritual dancing before their death were often given a gourd of chocolate (tinged with the blood of previous victims) to cheer them up.
Spongebob Rectal Thermometer
Are you ready to put this in your “Bikini Bottom”?
I was shopping at the supermarket yesterday when I came upon a unique piece of Nickelodeon merchandising - a Spongebob Squarepants Musical Rectal Thermometer! Yes, it’s musical. And yes, it’s clearly marked for rectal use. It actually plays the Spongebob theme in your ass when your temperature is taken!
Spongebob is a huge success, and merchandise like this literally sticks it to the competition. But this product ranks with the infamous Mickey Mouse vibrator as one of the most miscast in cartoon licensing history! What were they thinking? Spongebob has enough trouble regarding his sexual identity. Ren & Stimpy may have been a better choice here… but Spongebob? Nah!
I'm pretty sure the writing staff on Spongebob is thrilled to know there's a rectal thermometer on the market with Bob L'Ponge on it.
If that's not a Phillip J Frye quote, it ought to be.
::sends resume to Futurama writing staff::
Am back from walking. Have survived, but have now gone from huddled under mountains of blankets to sprawled in my underwear trying not to sweat to death. Fun.
Crap, I'm supposed to go to Wondercon tomorrow and to meet friends for brunch beforehand and I'm definitely coming down with an icky icky cold.
t whines
Kat, give a holler if you want any help tomorrow!
I'm so out of it. Tucking the kids into bed often puts me in the need for bed myself. Yawn.
Happy moving day! May it be quicker and easier than anticipated. Also, peanut butter on pancakes = yum. Then again, peanut butter always = yum for me.
No ick! I'm forcing feeding OJ and expectorant to the family today. They want to go to state basketball finals later this week, but if they take off school for the ick they can't take off school for the sports.
Feel better, all. Good Sunday.
Timelies all!
I seem to have missed the ick what's going around, well at least so far. I just have my perpetual mild nasal congestion/post-nasal drip. I just through a fair amount of tissues, but that's all.