So I thought the crossover was going to be both episodes. But I liked seeing Hen as a medical student. I was a little worried her lab partner would say she was autistic to explain her behavior. I don't know why I was getting that feeling but I was just like please don't let it be that. And it wasn't so ..
So like how both shows have treated therapy.
Oliver Stark and Ronen Rubinstein did a Instagram live thing and I watched some of it.. they are fun together. I hope there is some kind to TK and Buck being trouble choas Muppets together.
I'm confused about the age difference between Buck and Maddie. I don't think it's ever been clear but I have no idea how old Maddie is supposed to be and it can be confusing trying to figure out a timeline for them. Or to guess about the family secret.
I feel like the name Hildy is a reference to something, but I can’t place it.
I want to know the full extent of The Secret of the Buckley family.
The episodes were much less gross this week. Loved to see May and Bobby bonding .
Damn that episode of 9-1-1 Lone Star was intense!
Too intense! They throw situation after situation at you, until you finally get kind of panicked out. When she walked into the room in that last scene, I wasn't thinking, "oh no." I was thinking, "You have GOT to be kidding."
I was actually surprised by the last scene.
I literally thought,
"He didn't answer her...if he's dead I'm gonna be *pissed*.
Epic, I was expecting
the house to catch fire when she opened the door and when it didn't I was momentarily confused.
When I saw
him sitting there unresponsive as Tommy nattered on about all the excitement, I got hit with a strong sense of deja vu to that moment when Buffy found Joyce's body. Made the moment WAY more heartbreaking.
sj, your version at least would have made a bit more sense. As it was, I felt kinda, "What's next? Plague of locusts?"
Matt, maybe that's why I recognized it so quickly! But I didn't go to heartbreak, I was irritated.