Mal: How come you didn't turn on me, Jayne? Jayne: Money wasn't good enough. Mal: What happens when it is? Jayne: Well... that'll be an interesting day.


The Minearverse 6: Fiery Thread of Death

[NAFDA] "There will be an occasional happy, so that it might be crushed under the boot of the writer." From Zorro to Angel (including Wonderfalls, The Inside and Drive), this is where Buffistas come to anoint themselves in the bloodbath. Oh, and help us get Terriers dvds!

Daisy Jane - Aug 25, 2010 12:31:40 pm PDT #2550 of 4535
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

This made me want to go quote hunting. My favorite so far

Karen: Sharon, go talk to your father. You're his favorite.
[Sharon leaves the kitchen]
Aaron: I thought I was his favorite.
Karen: We don't have favorites.

Dana - Aug 25, 2010 12:33:07 pm PDT #2551 of 4535
I'm terrifically busy with my ennui.

I can't even remember what made me think of this the other day, nor do I remember the full quote, but "Are you having a 'sode?"

Daisy Jane - Aug 25, 2010 12:37:06 pm PDT #2552 of 4535
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

And this one

Jaye: Just try to get Aaron out.
Sharon: He's already out
Jaye: Bastard! He sang?
Sharon: No, you admitted to driving the car.
Jaye: Oohh, I sang...
Sharon: There are like six Law and Orders on the air now, how have you not seen one of them?

§ ita § - Aug 25, 2010 12:39:00 pm PDT #2553 of 4535
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

My total favourite:

Aaron: So, I make love like a black man?

Dana - Aug 25, 2010 12:41:08 pm PDT #2554 of 4535
I'm terrifically busy with my ennui.

And of course, my standbys:

Jaye: Are you the cow of PAIN?

Karen: Don't parse the blurb.

Daisy Jane - Aug 25, 2010 12:44:19 pm PDT #2555 of 4535
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

Jaye: I couldn’t stand the thought of spending another day looking at those faces with their stupid little mouths constantly running and making all sorts of unreasonable demands on me. Mahandra: Are you sure you should be in a customer service industry?

§ ita § - Aug 25, 2010 12:44:27 pm PDT #2556 of 4535
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

Brass Monkey: Because... you listen.

Polter-Cow - Aug 25, 2010 12:47:08 pm PDT #2557 of 4535
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

Bianca: [stuttering] St-St...
Jaye: Stalking me?
Bianca: St-St...
Jaye: Stabbing me?
Bianca: St-st...
Jaye: Stealing my organs after you stab me?
Bianca: St-st...
Jaye: Stitching a skin suit out of my dead corpse after you stab me and steal my organs?

Daisy Jane - Aug 25, 2010 12:58:18 pm PDT #2558 of 4535
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

Little girl: You're not supposed to steal!

Jaye: You're not supposed to talk to strangers! PISS OFF!

Topic!Cindy - Aug 25, 2010 1:07:18 pm PDT #2559 of 4535
What is even happening?

This morning on the MSNBC crawl, I'm pretty sure I read that Katie Finneran is expecting.