Cogito ergo sum. But what are the beginnings of cogito and who is the sum?
there's no good reason for a woman running for her life to randomly take off her shirt--especially when she's running through the woods
Except that losing the white-ish shirt made her a slightly less visible target.
I watched Tim rape some dude on The Inside, though, under that definition. I don't care. I'm not sat thinking "WOW, RAPE IS AWESOME! I WANT THAT FOR XMAS!".
That was presented as horrific. This is being presented as a fantasy that is enjoyable to the personality. But the personality is just a roofie. They're using Caroline's body as an empty hole to fuck. But since she giggles it's okay. She's a blow up doll.
You signed a consent to be raped and terrorized on a regular basis, but you won't remember, so it's all cool. Not so much. Two episodes both have involved our victim being raped and at considerable risk of violent death. I'll look and see if she is in for the same treatment next week. If so I won't bother to upset myself. She isn't even like a blow up doll; it is closer to child abuse in my view. And not remotely entertaining.
I'm just disappointed. I'd hoped for so much better.
That was presented as horrific. This is being presented as a fantasy that is enjoyable to the personality. But the personality is just a roofie. They're using Caroline's body as an empty hole to fuck. But since she giggles it's okay. She's a blow up doll.
You are, of course, right. At the same time, that is the show's premise. But it's not like the people involved haven't thought about that. My opinion is still let's-see-how-it's-handled.
There are several problems that I foresee. The only believable "missions" (for me, anyway) are the "I want the perfect date/sex" ones, and those are just very skeevy. Sorry, still not buying that people would go to the Dollhouse for a hostage negotiator or a body guard (next week's mission). Totally buying that men would go there for sex bots.
As far as I can see, the show is dead without these weekly storylines, but they are the least interesting and most problematic pieces of the show. I want the story of Caroline but I don't see how they can truly go there and keep the premise.
I'm still in but not sure for how much longer.
On further thinking, I have more thoughts.
Things I liked about this episode: it was more coherent. I like the ramping up of the arc, especially it explaining where the doctor got her scars from.
I liked seeing the beginning of the relationship between Boyd and Echo. I liked that Boyd was there for Echo when she needed him, but didn't charge in and save her. She saved herself and him. I wish there had been a little less of the whimpering and running, but in the end, she got pissed and she kicked his ass.
I like the actress who plays Adelle, if not the character.
Things I did not like (aside from my continuing problems with the premise): People, when you're confronted with the crazy guy who's been chasing you with a bow and arrow, just fucking SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD. None of this standoff, none of this talking, none of this warning him you have a gun before you shoot him.
just fucking SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD. None of this standoff, none of this talking, none of this warning him you have a gun before you shoot him.
I've pretty much quit watching Heroes for that reason. The stupid, it burns. I hope this isn't going to be a continuing trend with this show, too.
Amen. It's not like you have police that will show up any minute and take him safely away even if he does back down.
I also objected to Echo flailing ineffectually and trying to pry her attacker's hands off her throat for like, a minute's worth of gloating before stretching for the deus ex arrow. His eyes were right there in reach, and those blows that glanced off his jaw might have done some real damage if they connected to his Adam's apple. When you're being throttled by someone who wants you dead, it's not the time for being squeamish!
When you're being throttled by someone who wants you dead, it's not the time for being squeamish!
But people are. That is realistic, if unpragmatic.
She could have kicked him in the crotch, too.