I was rewatching some old eps of DW (my, how Ten's hair has evolved!) and watching the beginning of Series 3 it really struck me that (4x13 related) the Doctor has been put right back into the position he was in when he lost Rose the first time. Except now it's ten (pardon the unintended pun) times worse. Not only is Rose gone again, but a part of himself committed genocide, so now he's Nine and Bad Wolf Bay Ten all over again. And not only that, but he has Davros' condemnation ringing in his ears about his companions.
And I am so intrigued and eager to see how they deal with this aftermath in a way that is different than what played out in Martha's tenure. In Series 3 he pretended things were nifty, lied... but carried on remarkably well, even if it was just a front (until it became real: fake it 'til you make it).
So now he's in a more terrible spot, and I'm dying to know where his head might be at. Will he go totally emo? Will he harden and shun all potential companions, will he buck up and carry on, not really changing on the outside. I mean, how much sadder can he get on the inside as he continues to be adventurous and curious and gleeful about the mysteries of the universe? And where, oh where, does River Song fit into all this? Will we see her again in Tennant's run as Doctor, or was she just a glimpse of a brief happiness for Ten that we'll never see onscreen? God, I hope not.
And speaking of her, some have speculated that her remark of how young the Doctor was could lend itself to him being off for decades/centuries on his own before returning for Series 5 or even the Christmas Specials, and DT could be made to look older/his age. But I'm thinking, also, it could just be that when River Song knew the Doctor, he had this weight of losing Rose and Donna and his guilt renewed and his hypocrisy revealed aging him, and it's not really that far in his own personal future that he meets her .
Also, on rewatch, I didn't realize how physical David Tennant is! The way he leaps over furniture and sundry props and slides along floors and dances lightly over theatre chairs and flies up on boxes. My god, he f***ing Errol Flynn!
I mean, the theatre chairs I noticed in that one Dalek ep that was othewise horrid, but I didn't realize all the others, and it is AWESOME.
I mean, Nine had a great physicality. It's actually what hooked me into the show. I happened to walk through the room as Eccleston was loping down the stairs, all gangly limbs, somehow goofy and quirky in his daunting size and presence, in The End of the World, and honestly, that's what got me interested. The way CE walked down the stairs.
And DT is another amazing specimen altogether. Rewatching is so much fun! (Except for that Daleks in New York bit. That was slightly painful).