Prequel. Okay. Just trying to work out how much we have to learn this season, and I guess the answer is everything. We will know the final Cylon because there's nowhere else to tell us.
I'm down with Callie being killed. Never liked her. I wonder at the sudden super=strength. Is it there because Tory knows she's a Cylon? It would have been hard to miss all this time otherwise.
I am glad that they did away with Maria's friend with the v. difficult to understand accent and overly slangy dialogue.
I felt it kind of abrupt. Was she really difficult to follow?
trying not to look at BSG spoilers
So - if a person were catching up (a bit erratically) on
would this be the place to mention it? I'm hoping so. I picked it up in the full expectation of it being shite, and I think that this is definitely the best frame of mind in which to watch it, because I'm quite enjoying it. I mean, it's cheap and generic, and the writing really isn't very good, and the lead actor (whilst looking v. pretty, in a bastard-son-of-Rob-Morrow-and-that-bloke-from-Grey's-Anatomy kinda way) keeps on throwing away lines, but he is pretty to look at and has a v. sexy voice, so that's something. Also I'm loving Not!Logan (who does manage to do very good work with how own far-from-sparkling scripts, except when the lines are just unsalvageable and make me want to beat the writer over the head with a blunt object), and I'm enjoying Sophia Myles (although I'd be interested to know whether her accent sounds plausible). Oh, and Not!Marshall, Kevin Whatsisface! Always good value for money, bless him. It's depressing that they're serving up tepid cliches of the genre (and, hey, vampire detective - who knew that THAT would actually get enough shows to become its own genre? But by this point it really has) without any nod or wink or smidgen of originality - but there is the pretty, and there is plenty of scope for enjoyable fanfic.
I like Beth and her boyfriend. I really wish, though, that they wouldn't keep trying to play up the romantic angle between Our Hero and Our Feisty Reporter. It would be wonderfully refreshing, and far more plausible and pleasant, to have him viewing her in a genuinely avuncular/paternal fashion, and to have him disconcerted and vaguely appalled by any suggestions of sexual tension. That would ROCK. And it would still have given them scope for UST, inasmuch as she could be all 'oooh, hot mysterious guy who saved my life', whilst he was all 'ack! no, no, really, no hands in new places! You are 10 years old! In my head! There is no way I am going there. Even though you are quite hot...but no! Really not!' Because that's much more interesting and plausible than being all 'No, I have trust issues and emo manpain.' Pah.
The Darla thing, incidentally - gosh. Wince-inducing.
Did I mention my love of Not!Logan? Because I do love Not!Logan quite a lot, I really do. Jason Whatchamacallim has cracking timing, he really does. Pity that LeadActorGuy is not so much with the timing.
...not having watched the
TV show, I get the impression that in terms of quality and slashy dynamic, it and
are perhaps cut from the same cloth?
...if you have read Tanya Huff's
books, then the show is doubly enjoyable, imho. Because although I presume that the cheesy vampire detective show upon which Huff's protagonist works is based loosely on
Forever Knight,
which I've never seen, it might as well be based on
vampire detective - who knew that THAT would actually get enough shows to become its own genre?
No shit.
Of Moonlight I've only seen the one ep and came away quite unimpressed, so I have no comments on the rest of your post.
The show didn't set itself apart from the rest of its genre, and it's not an automatically compelling genre that means I need to get my vamp detective fix one way or another, dammit.
Moonlight: Oh, I would totally watch it for the fun and not take it too seriously.
SJA: I didn't have trouble following her perse - just couldn't get what she was actually saying in terms of words. (Does that matter?) But they had ZERO explanation as to why she and Maria were no longer friends. Perhaps they're going to different schools? Also - I would love to know whatever brought together Maria's parents. They just don't appear to have anything in common.
The expanded Time Crash bit was so charming! (I'm on a Mac right now and and I can't figure out how to cut and paste. I feel so inept! And everyone who could help me be ept is asleep. Woe.)
OK, those are interesting points about Cally. Then that would mean that two Cylons could reproduce, eh? Interesting. Yeah, Tory was enjoying her spacing of Cally a lit...ot too much. Freak. I mean, yeah, she annoyed me, too, but seriously! Kara is boring me to tears right now. Am interested to see how Lee and Roslin end up. Be a little sad if they ended on bad terms.
So sad that the Sixes and the Sharons didn't realize they were flying into a trap. C'mon, Cavil suddenly sees the light? Tchyah. Ah, well.
Ooh, over at TWOP a couple people mention seeing Orion's Belt in the scene where the basestars jump in to massacre the 2s, 6s and 8s AND in one of the Cally scenes. (Where she's looking out the window.)
vampire detective - who knew that THAT would actually get enough shows to become its own genre?
At this point I'm hoping Being Human gets picked up for the novelty of a vampire lead character who works at a normal job sweeping up and has no connection to law enforcement.
Oh, and for some reason I wasn't very strongly affected by the deaths of Tosh and Owen on TW. I don't know if this means that it wasn't well down. .. that it was overly telegraphed by last week's episode or that I was too distracted by a new knitting project to really feel it.
What did you guys think?
I was gutted by their deaths, sumi, so my only conclusion is that you have no heart...
My heart was consumed by trying to figure out knitting in the round with doublepointed needles.
Well, Owen clearly couldn't go on forever. . .although I didn't expect him to go that way.
I don't know. Last week's episode certainly demonstrated that Torchwood staff have a shorter than average lifespan.