Matilda can come over and grouse with me, the cutie.
I just recalled something that may be (no...I'm pretty certain) a showstopper for a 10 am release tomorrow. Fucksticks. Can't do anything about it from here, and everyone is likely offline anyway. Why did I not think of this 3 weeks ago?!
Ah well, I'll just hope I don't get come down on with a ton of bricks. The big fuckup that we discovered last month has oddly enough, gotten us kudos and understanding for catching and moving to fix and I actually think has changed something fundamental, which is HUGE. Still a shitstorm, but I've been oddly surprised by the lack of blame on the part of our bosses. This shit used to get people fearing for their jobs. OTOH, maybe they recognized their lack of leadership in the past brought us to this. I don't know.
I suspect part of me just fundamentally fears being called on the carpet. I don't like fucking up, even when I'm not the one really doing it!
You know what? I can't recall the pictures of me as a baby. There are plenty, but I guess I just haven't seen them in a long while. I know what my brother looked like (no doubt because his sons look so much like him, I've perused his pictures most recently.) And I remember the toddler ones.
I was very pink, I know that (contributed to my dad's nick for me.)
Apparently Alaska had record turnouts for both Democratic and Republican caucuses yesterday, 12x more people than 2004. I had been so bummed about missing our caucus yesterday, but it turns out it was totally not a problem. I attended the 2004 caucus, held in a hotel meeting room (not at all crowded). Last night's was held in the ballroom of our convention center, and it was PACKED. They overflowed into the lobby area, and had a hard time caucusing because there wasn't enough room to have significant space between the groups.
My understanding is that the Republican group had no trouble fitting into a large, but much smaller space. Juneau is probably the most Democratic area of the state, but still, this is amazing to me in such an overwhelmingly red state.
And, unrelatedly, what a cutiepie!
YAY unemployment! or yay?
YAY, I hope. I also got excused from tomorrow's jury duty, so I get 4 days off until I am employed again.
Woohoo. big time vacation.
It's still better than jury duty though.
sara, I lost your address in the Big Address Book transfer. Can you send it to me please?
OMG so tired. We had a work event tonight, and then I have a 9am meeting tomorrow, but yet I still have to watch PR!! Also, I guess I'm not low-carbing yet, since I could not resist the mini grilled cheeses at the event.