You know what? I can't recall the pictures of me as a baby. There are plenty, but I guess I just haven't seen them in a long while. I know what my brother looked like (no doubt because his sons look so much like him, I've perused his pictures most recently.) And I remember the toddler ones.
I was very pink, I know that (contributed to my dad's nick for me.)
Apparently Alaska had record turnouts for both Democratic and Republican caucuses yesterday, 12x more people than 2004. I had been so bummed about missing our caucus yesterday, but it turns out it was totally not a problem. I attended the 2004 caucus, held in a hotel meeting room (not at all crowded). Last night's was held in the ballroom of our convention center, and it was PACKED. They overflowed into the lobby area, and had a hard time caucusing because there wasn't enough room to have significant space between the groups.
My understanding is that the Republican group had no trouble fitting into a large, but much smaller space. Juneau is probably the most Democratic area of the state, but still, this is amazing to me in such an overwhelmingly red state.
And, unrelatedly, what a cutiepie!
YAY unemployment! or yay?
YAY, I hope. I also got excused from tomorrow's jury duty, so I get 4 days off until I am employed again.
Woohoo. big time vacation.
It's still better than jury duty though.
sara, I lost your address in the Big Address Book transfer. Can you send it to me please?
OMG so tired. We had a work event tonight, and then I have a 9am meeting tomorrow, but yet I still have to watch PR!! Also, I guess I'm not low-carbing yet, since I could not resist the mini grilled cheeses at the event.
We looked at our pictures a lot. Usually anytime an album was added to.
I wonder how kids whose pictures are being taken in the digital explosion will view their portraits. Is it something mundane? Are parents assembling hard copy albums still? I don't think we'd have looked at older pictures often without the requirement to crack the book open to add new ones.