We looked at our pictures a lot. Usually anytime an album was added to.
I wonder how kids whose pictures are being taken in the digital explosion will view their portraits. Is it something mundane? Are parents assembling hard copy albums still? I don't think we'd have looked at older pictures often without the requirement to crack the book open to add new ones.
as if on cue - my cutiehead in a pic from tonight: [link]
I have plans on making a book. In my copious spare time. And Allyson started a scrapbook for them. I thought, though, that I might get a sketch book and just sort of journal about the day and add crap, but most especially pics after. Not in a "scrapbook" sense, but as a true scrapbook, with little scraps of crap like Noah's first I Voted sticker.
I just saw the statewide weather forecast, and they're predicting -70F in Tok tonight. And the high today near there (Brien's Creek, or something like that) was -67F. I have been in colder, but dang, that's cold.
So I have writing group tomorrow (tomorrow is thursday right?) and another on friday. But I have written nothing. Do I recycle an old piece or write something new?
Yep, that's cold!
We may well be having an ice storm tonight, followed by an inch of snow in the early morning hours. I remembered to lift up the wipers on my car, which should help with the necessary clearing tomorrow, if needed, but there really isn't much I can do, aside from curse my unemployed status that made me turn down a much more pricey garage space when it because available this year. I'd still rather be in school, but it's still tempting....
Kat, sent.
msbelle, shit. Your boy is beautiful (I wanna hug) and you rock!
I'm lucky as I was the first kid, so lots of pix. Even in the 70s. I don't honestly distinguish between film and digital, thought I have to admit, the nephs got all the crappy pix deleted. It's just a convenience. My parents were more careful not to take a stupid pic, whereas now, I take it anyway and delete it later.
Kat, my mom did some scrapbooks that were a mixture of notes, little bits and pieces, and a few pics. Those have always been my favorites. As I got older, she made me sit down and draw pictures of special events for them, or maybe write up a paragraph or two. I hated it at the time, I think mostly because she was looking for more than I wanted to do, but it might be nice to have Noah participate, as he wants to, as he grows older.