How cool is that? Parades, yay.
Happy birthday Victor!
I'm not doing jack for Lent. I have enough on my plate. But, you know, I still appreciate the whole sacrifice thing and all! And I want to increase my discipline! But not right now. Hee.
Okay. Gotta go! See you on the other side! Wish me puppies and no dropping mattresses in the snow!
I can't even try to tout a philosophy of "Eat less, mostly plants," because I don't agree with it. Eat for enjoyment, dang it.
You know, I was trying to think of how to summerize my own philosophy about Pollen and food stuff, etc, and then Tep went ahead and did it for me.
Eat what makes you feel good, eat what makes you happy. Listen to your body and what it needs; it'll tell you if you let it. Feed your body and soul.
My coworker is giving up blashpheming for Lent, and I've been nominated to fill in the gap, so that'll keep me busy for the next forty days, anyway. I'm thinking of sending around a daily email with creative blasphemous sayings. I might try and do a different religion a day...
The crowds outside are insane, and the parade doesn't officially start for another hour.
Unsurprisingly, I agree with Steph and Nora WRT to Pollen.
I actually wasn't thinking about doing a Lent thing, but this weekend my jeans didn't fit, so I was thinking about going back to the Atkins, and then I realized what tomorrow is! So we'll see. I may or may not do it hard-core. But I lost the most weight in the later stages anyway, so half-assed lower-carb may be the way for me to go!
Edit: It's probably not shocking that more salads and fewer Doritos would be an effective weight loss plan.
So I'm saving the eggs and bacon for Wednesday.
If I only ate what made me happy, I'd eat nothing but candy and cheese.
I hate vegetables, but I know I have to eat them. But I hate it. Especially the green ones. Blergh.
Given that today is Fat Tuesday, go get yourselves some Paczki! Nom nom nom.
The big ticker-tape parade goes right past my office this morning.
I used to be able to see the route from my old office, but nsm today. And the firm hasn't made any arrangements to open up conference rooms where you can see it, which is annoying.
Also, I had to explain to someone yesterday what ticker tape was. She had never heard the term until yesterday! Boggle.