Remember, the reports of a street being closed in my neighborhood last week because of a "meth lab" situation? Turns out that was actually the house of a friend of mine whose husband is an antiques dealer. There was some kind of warrant out because there was a question about an antique firearm he'd gotten being possibly stolen. It's all very confusing. Anyway, city police basically ransacked my friend's house. And, evidently, they left a list of stuff they removed from the house and there are several things missing that they didn't take (including some of my friend's husband's National Guard equipment).
A mutual friend posted the real story (as far as we know it at this point) in the comments here:
Not that the press have done any kind of followup. So his 14-year old kid has to go to his school in the neighborhood today and have everybody think his dad's an arms dealing, meth lab runner. it is messed up.
Random post-Super Bowl and Puppy Bowl thoughts:
1. Tom Petty: Much though I love him, he was in the end less delightful than either Prince or kittens.
2. Football would be so much improved if it took a cue from the Puppy Bowl and allowed the ref to blow the whistle on some random player, tell him "You are a dirty dog," and carry him off the field tucked under one arm like a sack of potatoes. Granted, this would require some truly massive refs, but it'd be wonderful.
Holy crap, lisah!
I KNOW! I'd read the news reports, of course, but didn't process that the name of the guy they were investigating was my friend's husband until I saw her on Saturday afternoon and she told us the story.
Whoa, lisah. That sucks.
I'm super congested. Congestion is not the business.
Ooh. I meant to add, Jessica, yeah, I've seen it.
I'd like to know why I received tax forms for a city in Michigan when I did not live or work there at all in 2007. Are they hoping I'll forget and pay their city tax anyway?
any fun mardi gras plans?
Man, I am once again furious about how rude my co-worker is. I'm thinking about setting up a meeting to talk to our boss about him.
In the meantime, am writing a scathing email about the local radio institution our local public radio fuckos have yanked off the air. I fear I'm not being coherent at all. I just want to say THIS IS BULLSHIT and leave it at that.
I wish I was more articulate.
Am finally caught up. I spent last night watching
after buying season one from iTunes.
Apparently there was some sort of football game last night?
It's been a while since I skipped a Super Bowl. Maybe I should have watched it....