Random post-Super Bowl and Puppy Bowl thoughts:
1. Tom Petty: Much though I love him, he was in the end less delightful than either Prince or kittens.
2. Football would be so much improved if it took a cue from the Puppy Bowl and allowed the ref to blow the whistle on some random player, tell him "You are a dirty dog," and carry him off the field tucked under one arm like a sack of potatoes. Granted, this would require some truly massive refs, but it'd be wonderful.
Holy crap, lisah!
I KNOW! I'd read the news reports, of course, but didn't process that the name of the guy they were investigating was my friend's husband until I saw her on Saturday afternoon and she told us the story.
Whoa, lisah. That sucks.
I'm super congested. Congestion is not the business.
Ooh. I meant to add, Jessica, yeah, I've seen it.
I'd like to know why I received tax forms for a city in Michigan when I did not live or work there at all in 2007. Are they hoping I'll forget and pay their city tax anyway?
any fun mardi gras plans?
Man, I am once again furious about how rude my co-worker is. I'm thinking about setting up a meeting to talk to our boss about him.
In the meantime, am writing a scathing email about the local radio institution our local public radio fuckos have yanked off the air. I fear I'm not being coherent at all. I just want to say THIS IS BULLSHIT and leave it at that.
I wish I was more articulate.
Am finally caught up. I spent last night watching
after buying season one from iTunes.
Apparently there was some sort of football game last night?
It's been a while since I skipped a Super Bowl. Maybe I should have watched it....
I really, really worry that the whole Steiner thing is going to really fuck up WYPR. And I don't mean that gleefully. On one hand, it might get it back on a community-minded track. OTOH, it might founder, and that would be sad.