We just got the caller ID building-wide with the new phones they gave us last month, and I'm loving it so far.
Speaking of company facility upgrades, they just announced that they finally bought the building we've been renting for decades on Peterson and Pulaski in the city. I don't work down there (I'm in the 'burbs at HQ), but my boss and several other people in my department work at least a few days a week there and have had many denigrating things to say about the condition of the building due to the sale being up in the air for so long. In the announcement we just received, one of the main things they mentioned was the improvements that are going to be made as soon as the purchase is finalized. I'm sure they got a good deal in this market, too.
Lisa is indeed awesome.
Kat is too, but mean for suggesting cream puffs.
When you know who the caller is, should you greet them by name, or just answer hello? And does this differ if it is a personal call rather than a business one?
We are fairly informal around here, so I usually say "Hi [first name]"
I've been looking for a cool black one. Or argyle.
Why do you hurt me so? I thought you liked me.
you. But I got a really cute white cotton blouse with almost-but-not-really tuxedo ruffles on it and a v-neck sewater vest would look awesome over it.
Tim Gunn would like it. STG he would.
And can I say how sad I am that on Proj Runway
Kevin's gone
It completely discombobulates me when someone answers my incoming call with "Hi Sara." I have not announced myself! You are jumping in line!
(I don't have caller id. Well, I do on the cell. Which flusters me even more.)
Those are indeed French cuffs, Cash.
And can I say how sad I am that on Proj Runway
Me too! So shoulda been
Also, with you on the ruffley shirt and sweater vest (which I own in slate grey).
Happy Birthday, msbelle!
I answer my work phone with, "This is Fred." But I have a direct line and not the office's main line. Occasionally, if the caller ID shows a number that I know, I'll be more casual.
I dream of caller ID at work.
I have it, but half of the office I work with come in only as "incoming call". Ugh. I can, however, avoid certain parents.
I think I need a lie-down.
My inbox has been exploding all week (only 2 days in?!!) I'm trying to unravel a nasty data knot and I just proposed something that could make people cranky.
And I still need to grocery shop. And the car goes in tomorrow am. Uhg.