Tonight I'm trying those tofu based noodles that Hungry Girl says are good. With some sort of sauce, or maybe just butter, I am not feeling ambitious about it at all.
Laundry, that's what I should be doing. Well, another thing I should be doing that I had forgotten about.
I know. I looked at the date and thought, "Wait. Wait. I hope that's not -- crap, better check the VVC site -- no no no no SHIT."
Doesn't your family care about meeeee?
I don't suppose you could just pop up for the day, and spend the rest of the weekend at VVC.
I'm going to get my car.
It's started for them everytime, and the diags don't show anything except the gas cap was loose, which is why the light went on (3/4 through a tank of gas, so WHO KNOWS.)
What the fuck ever. I do need to do a tire rotation, oil change and new axle boots, but I'll schedule that so I have the car back tonight.
This car fricking gaslights me.
I'm having leftovers from last night, which was kind of a chili-ish stew-ish type situation I made with a box of crimini mushrooms, a shredded chicken breast, a can of black beans, a can of tomatoes, and some spices and whatnot. Served with lots of cheese. It was delish!
the diags don't show anything except the gas cap was loose, which is why the light went on
I am so hungry right now! My lunch didn't take at all.
We're taking a friend out to dinner who has been picketing at Warner's all day. Those who live in LA will appreciate that he lives in Santa Monica and figured he'd "have to wait until after rush hour "anyway, so he might as well stay on our side of the hill for the evening. Yes, we totally uderstand the concept of making social plans based entirely on traffic. Hoping to go to a Burbank place called Granvilles and have me some pea soup and sweet potato fries.
We're having frozen pizza with a salad, because it's quick and easy. I have writers group at 6:30 on Mondays, so dinner has to be on the table by 6:00, which limits our options when neither DH nor I gets home much before 5:30.
I declared Mondays and Wednesday night crock pot nights since those are nights I have class.
Wednesday's meal will be chicken, rice, broccoli, and cheese casserole.
I don't suppose you could just pop up for the day, and spend the rest of the weekend at VVC.
For a cousin, I could probably get away with that. For my brother? I'm thinking no.
Tonight I'm trying those tofu based noodles that Hungry Girl says are good. With some sort of sauce, or maybe just butter, I am not feeling ambitious about it at all.
Tell us how those are, I've been wondering. My hunch is that, like a lot of whole wheat pastas, they'll do better as noodles for some Asiany than for a traditional spaghetti preparation where you won't be comparing them quite so directly. But I'd like to give them a shot for sure.