are you just setting the camera on a handy shelf and using the timer function?
That'll do. I do have a tripod and a remote for one of my cameras, but I still do the shelf and timer thing sometimes.
I don't know if I'll be having dinner tonight.
shrift, that's sucking and blowing.
We're probably having fish sticks.
we're roasting a chicken tonight too, and doing a parsnip-potato mash.
Snowstorm food!
bon bon, how are you preparing your monkfish?
I'm having leftover TJ's goat cheese & olive pizza (w/ added olives! and pinenuts & sundried tomatoes) very quickly before running to get my friend and go to the Hitchcock series on at the local cinema. Tonight is
The Lady Vanishes
which I don't think I've ever seen.
Snowstorm food!
JEALOUS! All we got was grey and some rain. (Only jealous if i got to stay home for snow day though.)
Dinner will probably be spaghetti, but I'm pulling out my frozen turkey meat and ground beef for chili tomorrow, so that's a good thing.
Does anyone want to do my (most likely) four loads of laundry tonight? I should have taken care of it yesterday, but I was being really lazy and only managed to do my dishes. Oh, and feel guilty because I had to shut my cat out of my bedroom when she started meowing at 3:30 in the frickin' morning, again. She was waiting for me in the hallway when I came out to use the bathroom, meowed and rubbed her head all over my calves, and then retreated to her perch to sleep while I got ready for work.
Dinner is leftover veggie beef soup from last night. Yum.
bon bon, how are you preparing your monkfish?
We usually broil it because we are lazy. But maybe roasting or poaching this time. I found out after I bought a bunch of monkfish that Bob Bob really likes it, and I confuse it with what I do like, which is Arctic char.
OH NOES. Now they're my emo tears too! But..but...nooooo!
I know. I looked at the date and thought, "Wait. Wait. I hope that's not -- crap, better check the VVC site -- no no no no SHIT."
Tonight is The Lady Vanishes which I don't think I've ever seen.
One of my absolute favorites! Hopefully it is the new Criterion print, since I caught part of it on TV not too long ago and the sound was really bad in parts.
what's everyone having for dinner
Lamb with flageolet beans.