I have a ton of stuff do do for work, so I've spent the weekend rearranging furniture and going through clothes and books and stuff.
Sounds a little like my weekend! I should have been grading papers and getting exams ready. Instead, I did a little cleaning, took care of a bunch of research for upcoming productions, returned some phone calls, did some networking, spent time with DH, etc.
At least I feel a little rested. Tomorrow I'll put the students to work on their projects and get some grading done.
Jumping in to say that ASH is in the Masterpiece Theatre Persuasion tonight, I just saw his name in the credits!
You are pretty. And you have awesome hair. And the kiddoes are pretty doggone cute, too.
I don't think you need a baby to look pretty, sara, but I heartily endorse you holding babies anyway. That's an all-round win.
Aw, little tiny baby!
Eeks, Jesse! That's one of my run-screaming-to-mars scenarios.
Right? And they're going to be paying plumbers enough (they were there today on overtime and didn't get it fixed) that the $75 for a working bathroom in a hotel would be well worth it, IMO.
eta: that was to agree with sara a bunch of posts ago.
That's some stuff on the cat.
WTF did they do to get that cat to sit still for photographs? How did they break its will?!?
I need to check out Persuasion on MPT! I think I may have seen the production before, though.
I need to get the pix of Miss P diva-posing in her free-foo online. They are awesome! (Purple surgical gloves, we decided, are the best accessory ever!)