I managed to do laundry and my nails. Cleaning and shopping will have to wait.
Talked to L a little while ago & all are well. Austin got to meet his new brother and was all "Neat! uh, you can hold him now." But he was quite excited. Despite not much sleep, Miss P managed to only have one meltdown. Why? Because they wouldn't let her wake the sleeping baby so she could hold him. Heh. She has been promised she can sleep in his room at night for a whole week and get mom when he wakes up to be fed or changed. Wonder how long the novelty of that will last.
I filled in L on how Miss P took everything, as well as some details she missed because, well, she was BUSY. Like P stroking her neck and reaching out to grab the baby's hand as soon as he was placed on L's tummy. Fraid that last one turned on the waterworks. Oops.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow....
Miss P could make me kind of misty too. How sweet! Volunteering to be first line of wakeup, however--well, maybe she'll turn out to like it...
I hate these meds. They're making me a zombie. I better get acclimated soon.
Yeah, as much as I am still iffy on the videotaping, I'm hoping like hell I managed to get that on there, not the ceiling or something. (I probably got a lot of ceiling.)
So, my poor parents have some plumbing situation that has resulted in "sewage" in their basement and will need them to replace the pipes to the street or some shit. Terrible! I'm trying to get them into a hotel, which I hope they'll at least do if it's not fixed tomorrow. Because, yikes!
Eeks, Jesse! That's one of my run-screaming-to-mars scenarios.
I've got a theory that if you plop a baby into my arms, I'm guaranteed to think I look good, and maybe even pretty and not a dork, in the picture. [link] and [link]
Having looked at those photos, I heartily agree with that theory, Sarameg.
I have a ton of stuff do do for work, so I've spent the weekend rearranging furniture and going through clothes and books and stuff.
Sounds a little like my weekend! I should have been grading papers and getting exams ready. Instead, I did a little cleaning, took care of a bunch of research for upcoming productions, returned some phone calls, did some networking, spent time with DH, etc.
At least I feel a little rested. Tomorrow I'll put the students to work on their projects and get some grading done.
Jumping in to say that ASH is in the Masterpiece Theatre Persuasion tonight, I just saw his name in the credits!
You are pretty. And you have awesome hair. And the kiddoes are pretty doggone cute, too.