I am like Cash, sweats, sloungy bra, tshirt, usually a zip up fleece around the house that I take off when I get into bed. I hang all of them on a hook on the bedroom door. I like them to air out during the day, not that they are smelly.
What do people do about making the bed when you get up? My mother ingrained this airing-out thing in me. I throw the covers off (well, 1/2 way cuz it's just me in the bed) and air it out while I feed the cat, tortoise, putter around, etc. Then I make the bed and put the cat towels down before I leave for work. A. I don't want cat hair in my bed, or dirt, if he's been rolling in something. B. I don't want anything else in my bed either. (The cat door is actually in a custom thingy I made that fits in my bedroom window. Cat jumps on bench outside, comes in the window onto the top of the dirty clothes hamper, then jumps on my bed or the floor. He's been known to bring critters into the house dead, half-dead, and alive. )
I was under the pillow when I was younger (and for a while in the 1970's, in the cupboard in the headboard with bookcase builtin) but now it's wherever it lands in the morning. And I wear the same PJs every day for a few days.
I'll usually flip the comforter back over the top of the bed, but that cannot by any strectch be called making it.
What do people do about "making the bed" when you get up?
What is this making the bed that you speak of?
Duvet. Flip it up and the bed is made! (I actually use sheets too, but when I was in Prague, we had a bottom sheet and the duvet. Roommate and I agreed that it was the best regular bedmaking we'd ever done!)
I want my bed to be made every day and for my bedclothes to be found under the pillow. I'm just not willing to do the work. I used to, but as my hours in the day became limited it was one of the first things to go.
Yeah, but some weirdos wash them each time.
Wait, the Pajama Fairy might actually launder your bed clothes for you? I am so believing in her again.
Tomorrow morning? I am sticking the jammies under my pillow.
bottom sheet and the duvet
Best thing since sliced bread.
but then there's nothing to protect your feet from something creeping up off the floor and into your bed! Yes, I'm still traumatized by the things my brother said to me when I was THREE that would happen at night. Well, and, see: critters in the house. I had a skink in my stove for 2 months last summer. Plus one under the sofa and one in the linen closet. It's the freaking Wild Kingdom around my house!
You had a skink?!?!? Prehensile tailed? Those things are adorable. Like wee baby cartoon dinosaurs...
eta: I am perhaps trivializing your skink trauma. This is not my intention. The only ones I have seen were pets and therefore not free-range.