oy what a day. Can I have 2007 back? I know it ended craptastic for a lot of folks, but today? Today has been ugg.
Started with being woken with a mind splitting headache at 4am. I call it a migraine, tho I don't think it's technically one. But when it's the whole head, from neck to forehead, and it's throbbing enough to wake you from a sound sleep. Ya, crappy.
So the 3 tylenols helped that go away, but did make me wake late to get to work. Thankfully made it at 9:59 for the 10:00 meeting... that they started 10 minutes late. Whatever. Then I got stupid ass set designer (who looks like Sylar) being all whiney that his winblows machine can't log onto the wi-fi network. I'm sorry. I'm not IT, all I know is the bloody password, but please don't cut my head open (tho it might make it feel better). Then the crazy visiting SM was bitching that the password doesn't work for the wi-fi, only to discover she is trying to log into the WRONG NETWORK. I gave her clear instructions, wrote out the network name and password, that she clearly tossed as soon as I gave them to her. Then she has the nerve to say "o, well all of this would have been really nice to know BEFORE HAND". I'm sorry. I DID THAT. grrrrr. Then what felt like a MILLION other lil fires that just kept me from getting lunch. Now things are calming down a bit, but I'm working until midnight, and really not looking forward to pink noise at high sound levels for a space/show that really doesn't need it.
:: raises hand :: Can I go home? now!?!
Aimee, make sure to leave on good terms, after all, he is your landlord now. Yikes!.
Um. There was other stuff. But I think I need some more Tylenol again. :: sigh ::
do your cowworkers need the stabbity-stab sqeaky-splorch treatment? Where is MM?
I just joined Epicurious and I am cracking up at the comments on this recipe Salted Water for Boiling.
do your cowworkers need the stabbity-stab sqeaky-splorch treatment? Where is MM?
Yes, his coworkers need all kinds of unpleasant treatment!....but not because i'm bitter or anything. I am not bitter. Just...cold. And wanting a new apartment NOW already.
Get-Better-Now! Ma to Sox. Oof.
Laga, thanks for sharing the comments... Those were very entertaining! Now I'm off to get food, but will opt for something other than the 4 fork salted water.
But it freezes well and can be reheated!
My favorite was the guy who said he didn't have any salt or water but he tried it with gin and olives and it was delicious.
am home. apparently, I fail at hydrating. and have nifty drugs. And instructions to work less and sleep more for the next hereafter.
I'm pretty sure I didn't get anyone else sick (esp. at the brunch & other dc events) - they told me (after we phoned to make sure Sparky and DH were still alive) that I wasn't contagious; plus, I'm usually pretty careful about sharing dishes - I use new silverware or just forgo the second round all the time - just fyi on that chocolate desert treat that was the yum on Sunday ... no extra ingredients from me.
Sparky, I owe you $.
tired now.
is it interesting to anyone to set up a resume roundtable on something like google docs? Then people could go in and edit/suggest in teamlike fashion, and the doc could change before our eyes...
ok very tired now. yay bed.
Job~ma for Aimee, Susan, and Askye.
Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you my three year old niece Hailey, using power tools in Santa's Workshop: [link] If I had a Hammer: [link]
Way, way, way too cute not to get x-posty with.
Glad you are home, Sox. Working less and sleeping more sounds like sound advice. And look at you, coming up with a good idea like Google Docs while you are just barely recovering.
Oh, cutie with the power tools! Nice.
I went to a different endocrinologist today, one who actually listened to me. He did a doppler on my thyroid, which showed that it was "irregularly textured" or something like that. Plus a whole ton of tests, and he actually believed me when I said I felt like crap, which was a huge improvement over the other one. He's doing a bunch of tests, and said that he thinks it sounds like hypothyroid, but he's also testing for diabetes and a few other things, just to make sure there's not something else going on.