I have much experience with the incrediably amorous shower curtain. The only thing that helped at all was getting a thick vinyl liner, which hangs straighter because of the weight.
I just got this spam:
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turn off cussed
part of the problem is that the curtain is extra big, and so it bunches up, and then the part that's bunched up -- like gathers or pleats in a skirt -- is what encroaches on my shower space.
This sounds fixable, though - can you replace or even just trim the curtain down to size?
Can you stick extra fridge-type magnets on various critical curtain bunching points?
I just wish I knew the area better so I knew what we could walk to, etc.
I can tell you lots about Duck and Corolla! We've only ever been to Kitty Hawk driving through, or to the movies.
If I had my way, next time we'd go further north and look in Whalehead.
Damn, now I want to go to the Outer Banks. Like, today.
Another idea - hang one of those cloth ones on the inside of the plastic one, so there's a non-clingy surface next to you.
Why will the volunteer chaplain of the strong perfume not believe me when I say I don't know where the Catholic Ministries supplies that used to be kept in the cabinet by my desk before it was my desk/work area got to? I've told her FIVE TIMES that I was not the one who emptied it out before I moved over here. Does she think I'm deliberately hiding the host in case I get peckish and want some yummy consecrated Body of Christ for a snack? Or that on bad days I'm taking swigs from my hidden stash of communion wine?
some yummy consecrated Body of Christ for a snack?
Flesh of the Savior isn't bad with Cheez Whiz.
I'm just sayin'.
Flesh of the Savior isn't bad with Cheez Whiz.
I'm just sayin'.
What goes with the blood of Christ? I suppose you could dunk Twinkies in it....
Come stay with us, Amy! Don't tell the kids where you're going!
Here's one in Duck: [link]
And another: [link]
But it's not flesh of the Savior until the priest does his mojo over it during communion.
Until then it's just kind of a gross, dissolving cracker.
It is, as MM points out, pretty good with Cheez Whiz.
Hi MM!