I was WAY behind. So I have mearaed.
I'm watching Children of the Corn. I never saw it before. Nifty fun.
I saw it too! I really liked it, although the special effects may be the worst I've ever seen. I had no idea what was going on in more than one creepiness scene. I changed channels into it, at exactly the same place I'd changed into it a couple months ago, where Horton's character is in the church yelling at the kids. First time round I didn't even know what movie it was, but this time TiVo was recording it for me.
I really liked the character of the little boy on their side. He was weirdly individualistic.
Figuring out the best way to turn it [roasting chicken] was a bit of a task
I have come to the conclusion from watching an hour of cooking TV yesterday (Martha Stewart, simple something, meals with no more than 5 ingredients (water, salt, and pepper are freebies)) that I need these maybe non-stick safe. Better than my current method of sticking a fork in and using wrist action with hot food.
Had sexxxxay dreams last night about someone that I am determined I should not sleep with. Shut UP, stupid subconscious!
It's okay, meara. It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. I take it as a compliment.
I took something in the emergency room once that got rid of my pain and left my head clear, which I loved beyond all reason. Alas, I have no idea what it was called.
Woe! I want that drug. I'm currently (well, not this exact moment) getting pumped with enough narcotics to make me hallucinate, and hard. I really hate side effects.
It might have been Toradol (generic name Ketorolac), which is a non-opiod pain reliever.
I get that as part of my drug bouquet, but I've never noticed it having an impact before the big guns show up.
no, I wouldn't put kaffir in tea
I'm thinking they'd object, and not just to the slur.
Also gave me some hope that maybe some day he'll get his act together.
Heh. I think that was wonderful--like an extra sunbeam in your day. I think reaching out and touching people who have touched you is a great thing to do, even if it takes some work to find them. I have people I love who probably have no idea of my random bursts of fondness, and since my best friend is currently in deep funk I like to call him and leave "Thinking of you" voicemails for him.