I have wanted to do the reverse. I was cleaning out some files recently and found one of K-Bug's report card from 1st grade. I'd love to send that teacher a note of gratitude for her encouragement and kindnesses to K-Bug. I know she retired after that year and I'd have to do some hunting to find her. Would that be considered stalkerish?
It depends on whether "finding someone" is stalkerish by default. I feel like that term gets thrown around all willy-nilly, regardless of the intent and the effect.
That was very sweet of her, Laura. Glad it made your day.
I find it not stalkerish at all. But we came from a small town where it's easy to find and get in touch with our elementary school teachers. I have a deep, abiding love for every single one of them and have ran into my 2nd grade teacher, my 4th grade teacher, my 5th grade teacher and our elementary librarian all within the last 10 years and it tickled me pink every time I saw them.
The last phone conversation we had with our 5th grade teacher this summer, he said he still mentions us (my twin and me) to his students, which made me feel nice.
I once ran into my 10th grade English teacher and was worried he wouldn't remember me. His daughter told me he gets a lot of students that he doesn't remember but he definitely remembers the good ones. As soon as he saw me he shook his head, laughed and said, "Rose (my former last name), WHAT are you doing back here?"
Laura, that was sweet of her to look you up.
I need to get ready for our school meeting. We've been running around all day so I haven't had time to sweat it.
Not so stalkerish since we were close at the time and she is now a SAHM living hundreds of miles away. Brendon went back to visit her a couple times after he left that school to transfer to the gifted program. Her fiancé used to come help on field trips and such. He was a cutiehead too.
I tried sending a note of gratitude to one of my old teachers. A nun. I sent it via the diocese where I knew her parents lived. Don't know if it ever got to her.
I have wanted to do the reverse. I was cleaning out some files recently and found one of K-Bug's report card from 1st grade. I'd love to send that teacher a note of gratitude for her encouragement and kindnesses to K-Bug. I know she retired after that year and I'd have to do some hunting to find her. Would that be considered stalkerish?
I once got a note from a former elementary school teacher (when I graduated from high school). I was shocked, but thought it was very sweet.
I'd love to send that teacher a note of gratitude for her encouragement and kindnesses to K-Bug.
I was able to go back after a dozen years to tell the university prof who had the biggest impact on me how much I considered him a gift. It made me feel so good and he was clearly chuffed.
Given the amount of genuine appreciation we DON'T show in this culture, I think any attempt to spread the good is...well...good.
I know she retired after that year and I'd have to do some hunting to find her. Would that be considered stalkerish?
No, I don't think so. I'd start out a note exactly how you said, you were clearing out some stuff and thought of her. I think that she'd be pleased to know that she mattered and to know how her students are doing.
Oh! Damn, I've been meaning to mail my college advisor to give him an update. Thanks for reminding me!
Granted, I graduated 14 years ago. On the other hand, he wrote me a graduate school recommendation only four years ago, so it's not entirely out of the blue. Thinking about the fact that he had to sit through not one but THREE major-declaration meetings for me, he can't be too surprised that I keep changing fields. Sigh.
If any student or parent tracked me down to say I'd made a difference as his/her teacher, I would be thrilled beyond words.
My father is a retired teacher. A few years ago he got a surprise call from the office of the state Supreme Court. One of his former students was being installed as a Supreme Court justice and she had nominated him as one of the early influences that helped get her there. He sat in an honored place at the installation with the other "influences." It was cool. And not stalkerish.
I was WAY behind. So I have mearaed.
I'm watching Children of the Corn. I never saw it before. Nifty fun.
I saw it too! I really liked it, although the special effects may be the worst I've ever seen. I had no idea what was going on in more than one creepiness scene. I changed channels into it, at exactly the same place I'd changed into it a couple months ago, where Horton's character is in the church yelling at the kids. First time round I didn't even know what movie it was, but this time TiVo was recording it for me.
I really liked the character of the little boy on their side. He was weirdly individualistic.
Figuring out the best way to turn it [roasting chicken] was a bit of a task
I have come to the conclusion from watching an hour of cooking TV yesterday (Martha Stewart, simple something, meals with no more than 5 ingredients (water, salt, and pepper are freebies)) that I need these maybe non-stick safe. Better than my current method of sticking a fork in and using wrist action with hot food.
Had sexxxxay dreams last night about someone that I am determined I should not sleep with. Shut UP, stupid subconscious!
It's okay, meara. It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. I take it as a compliment.
I took something in the emergency room once that got rid of my pain and left my head clear, which I loved beyond all reason. Alas, I have no idea what it was called.
Woe! I want that drug. I'm currently (well, not this exact moment) getting pumped with enough narcotics to make me hallucinate, and hard. I really hate side effects.
It might have been Toradol (generic name Ketorolac), which is a non-opiod pain reliever.
I get that as part of my drug bouquet, but I've never noticed it having an impact before the big guns show up.
no, I wouldn't put kaffir in tea
I'm thinking they'd object, and not just to the slur.
Also gave me some hope that maybe some day he'll get his act together.
Heh. I think that was wonderful--like an extra sunbeam in your day. I think reaching out and touching people who have touched you is a great thing to do, even if it takes some work to find them. I have people I love who probably have no idea of my random bursts of fondness, and since my best friend is currently in deep funk I like to call him and leave "Thinking of you" voicemails for him.