I just had the best phone call ever! Strange phone number asked for me and I was all prepared to blow off a sales (or collections) call when the caller identified herself as Brendon's kindergarten teacher. He's in 10th grade now.
When Brendon was in kindergarten it was her first year teaching. He was the only child that read fluently so he read stories to the other children and was her pretend assistant since he could read instructions. She even taught him multiplication. She is no longer teaching and has married and had 3 children, but just couldn't get Brendon off her mind and searched for me. Most brilliant child she ever encountered, etc.
Made my day! Also gave me some hope that maybe some day he'll get his act together.
Aww, Laura! What a great phone call! When I got married I got a out-of-the-blue gift from my nursery school teacher, because I was in her first class and she'd been able to keep track of me.
Awwwwww, now I'm picturing cutieheadKindergarten!Brendon as a the assistant.
That is so nice. Man....I'm melting.
I guess I'm in the minority in finding that just a bit Creepy!Stalkerish.
I don't think it's stalkerish if she just wanted to mention that he stuck with her memory due to being so AWESOME, which she did.
I have wanted to do the reverse. I was cleaning out some files recently and found one of K-Bug's report card from 1st grade. I'd love to send that teacher a note of gratitude for her encouragement and kindnesses to K-Bug. I know she retired after that year and I'd have to do some hunting to find her. Would that be considered stalkerish?