Yay, Matt!!! That is so freaking exciting!!
Why did I wait until the last minute to grade these research papers? It's going fairly quickly, but I really want to go to bed, but I need them done in the morning and I know I won't get up early to grade them, so I have to do it now. Oh well. Off to grade some more!
Woot for Matt! Beth, I hope things work out well for him!
There's no such thing as imperfect cupcakes. The end result is still CAKE.
Cashmere....shhhh.....I was trying to get a cupcake. There are none here and I neeeeed one.
I'll let Matt know of the good wishes
Woot, Matt! Very happy for you!
Congratulations to Matt and Daisy Jane!!
The cupcakes were pronounced to be very very edible, even with the bizarreness.
Because the meringue didn't work out, I made meringue cookies, and kinda glued those to the top of the cupcakes with the not-working-meringue. A little random, but pretty. I'm bringing the rest to work tomorrow.
Dinner was delicious, beans and cornbread and fried potatoes and kale. Mmmm.
Conversation was rather less salacious than I might've liked, but when you're with someone's 18 year old daughter and her baby, it sorta makes the mood more "aww, look how cute the baby is" and less "let's flirt like mad while talking about sex!"
Oooh! So how are things going with the GILF, then? (The cupcakes sound yummy, imho - but I'm pining for the chocolate/pink peppercorn ones the most.)
Today Jasmin's mum sent in a chocolate icecream cake from Swensens, with chocolate-covered cherries on the top for her 7th birthday. And I sliced it up and fed it to my little buggers, and didn't even lick the chocolate off my fingers.
Bloody Go Team Me.
Good Lord, Fay. You are a stronger woman than I.