Well, I'm also a very much fatter woman than thee, and although tempted, it struck me that if I had to choose between never eating cake again and never being a healthy weight, I'd go for never eating cake again. (Not that I
going for that - I'll certainly be able to eat desserts at some point, but right now I'm avoiding them. But if Glinda the Good Witch appeared and offered me a choice, it would be strong-and-healthy-body-in-the-safe-BMI-range rather than delicious-tasty-chocolate thingies, without a shadow of a doubt. Reflecting upon that made it an awful lot easier to not weaken on the avoiding-sugar thing.)
Still, I wish the kids would stop having bloody birthdays! That's the second one in a week! Sigh.
Meanwhile, I am feeling all virtuous from having gone to the gym, and have chowed down on a yummy chicken-caesar-salad-type-thing. Victory will be mine!
t /Doctor Atkins Doesn't Like Carrots
Well done, Fay!
Yay Matt! It is good to see him getting the recognition he deserves.
Well done, Fay!
Yay Matt! It is good to see him getting the recognition he deserves.
Points up. What she said!
Good morning, vw. Getting back into the routine?
Getting back into the routine?
Kind of. Though, I have no cream, so no coffee. I tried to drink it black, but it just wasn't happening. So, tea is my good friend until tomorrow when I get my check.
Ah, I drink my coffee black, but prefer a bit of cream in my tea.
Also, why can't bacon be as good for me as oatmeal. The oatmeal this morning with dried cranberries is tasty, but not bacon.
Oh! Oatmeal! That's what I'll have for breakfast!
I like my coffee like I like my women: in a plastic cup.
t /Izzard
I was having a cup of tea with my hostess one day, and she got out the cream and sugar. I said I didn't use those with my tea--just my coffee. I followed it up with, "I like my tea like I like my men." Without missing a beat, she said, "Plain?" I replied, "No, silly! Strong!"
Yes, I always countered the guys at work that liked it light and sweet with the fact that my coffee was strong and black.