Oh, GC. That kind of thing seems so much worse when you're under stress already.
So how exactly does one fake losing a filling?
For a less dramatic approach, you can put your tongue on a back tooth and say "This tooth is driving me crazy. It's just a little filling but it it feels like a giant hole." Or you can cringe when you eat or drink something and say, "I hope I won't need a root canal." The fake root canal can get you two more fake appointments.
You can imbed the graphic in the e-mail, Todd, but a lot of e-mail clients and services will reject it. If her fancy font isn't a standard font, that probably won't show up either.
t Sprinkles interview and audition~ma throughout the thread
You are incredibly sweet and generous. She actually has a lot of KP stuff, so I think she's okay. It was just a rotten day in general. You have def. lifted my spirits with your offer, though.
You're welcome. Your GF has been having too many rotten days lately, which I can't do anything about. A KP doll I can fix.
The fake root canal can get you two more fake appointments.
Oooh! I will keep this in mind!
I'm so sorry, GC. That really sucks.
what a difference from yesterday to today. Yesterday my Healthy Choice soup was nearly inedible. Today's Lean Cuisine squash raviolis are so good I might even call them delicious!
Holy crap. I just checked my phone messages from yesterday. There's one from a headhunter. I'm being headhunted! They're hunting my head!
TCG called an hour and a half ago to say he was going to be headed home in 20 minutes. It takes him just over an hour to get home. So I started dinner at what I thought would be a good time. Dinner is done and he just called to say he is leaving now. I probably shouldn't be this pissed off, but I am.
A lady in a brand new hummer just told me $8 is too much for a matinee movie ticket.
I can't offer any merchandise for the GF, GC, (hee) but I can offer next time we're on the West Coast, no matter when that may be, I will kill your cleaning crew.
It's even better if it takes awhile. No reason to connect you.
Hell yeah, MM! Kick some asses! Knock some heads!