If this were some weird temp situation I could see them being hardasses, but she's got 30 yrs (I think it's either 29 or 30 yrs) with the school system adn the only reason she doesn't have tons of time is that she gave it up to be the drop program, which is what you go into when you are getting ready to retire.
I think she's also formally submitted all the paper work that she's retiring, first week of June.
Oh yeah, I'm not saying they're right to do so, but I think they might be within their legal rights to be asses. fuckers
Ooh speaking of legal rights... I just found out I can give my roommate
Three Days Notice
to vacate if he is late with the rent again.
Her doctor's appointment was on Wednesday morning and the system is invalidating that whole day because of the 1 hour missed.
That doesn't seem right. I'm trying to remember how that worked back when I worked payroll. I could have sworn that if you worked a certain percentage of the day (and I can't believe it would have been 7/8) you were okay, if you were hourly. But I'm not sure.
That's really too bad that wasn't made clear to your mom before she made the appointment, or went to it, even.
If she is hourly, they should pay her for hours worked. If she is salaried, they should pay her for a half-day.
There is a federal reg. that a person needs to work 40 hours to get overtime, so in short weeks, one will get paid for an extra day, but not at time-and-a-half. But that applies to OT and not regular pay.
She's getting paid for the day she worked, it's a question of whether she qualifies for holiday pay. I can remember making these determinations but I can't remember the criteria.
t /not helping
I'm leary of any link involving the words "one cup"
I'm leary of any link involving the words "one cup"
Well, I figure if Laga was mortified by car mpreg, then I doubt the "one cup" involves two girls. Still not clicking though.
I have an interview! Monday at 9:00 am!!!!
Except I made some improvements to my resume, do I just take it in and give it to him?
I need clothes omigod!