If she is hourly, they should pay her for hours worked. If she is salaried, they should pay her for a half-day.
There is a federal reg. that a person needs to work 40 hours to get overtime, so in short weeks, one will get paid for an extra day, but not at time-and-a-half. But that applies to OT and not regular pay.
She's getting paid for the day she worked, it's a question of whether she qualifies for holiday pay. I can remember making these determinations but I can't remember the criteria.
t /not helping
I'm leary of any link involving the words "one cup"
I'm leary of any link involving the words "one cup"
Well, I figure if Laga was mortified by car mpreg, then I doubt the "one cup" involves two girls. Still not clicking though.
I have an interview! Monday at 9:00 am!!!!
Except I made some improvements to my resume, do I just take it in and give it to him?
I need clothes omigod!
I'm bringing copies of mine tomorrow.
Except I made some improvements to my resume, do I just take it in and give it to him?
Is it cosmetic or informative? Cosmetic, no, unless it reflects on the type of work you're going to be doing. Informative, yes.
99% sure my boss is manic.
Like, literally and unmedicatedly manic.
Yay askye!!! Congrats and good luck!!
(And, yes, totally bring the new resume to the interview -- it's very normal to bring extra copies, and you can couch it in terms of "I wanted to be sure you had the most up-to-date information" if you feel awkward about it.)