payroll~ma for askye's mom.
audition~ma for juliana.
no-stabby~ma for everyone else.
Also, in "WHA?" news, I just got an e-mail from the secretary at church. It was sent to everyone in the church. It has an attachment of a letter from the Elders. The secretary didn't accept their changes in the letter before sending it (or sent the wrong version), so it's all marked up. It's really quite embarrassing.
Audition~ma, juliana
I know my grandpa's ranch was up in Dixon, and I'm betting Vacaville has it's share of cowboys, given the name. Inland, however, as you said.
wrong thread, I think.
I shouldn't try to catch up in everything when I've just come from a doctor's appointment that took 3 hours longer than it should have.
I'm sure it will come as a shock for you to hear that the Beverly Bridge was broken.
@@@@@@@@@@@ 4-evah!
So, I'm guessing we can count on this happening on a weekly basis given how things have played out the last couple of months? woo. hoo. Man, I just got out of there in the nick of time - that had to have happened not long after we left.
It would probably even make it through the mail, if I ordered something, actually, provided it was sufficiently unlikely-looking and one could call it a toy or whatever the hell to fool the customs.
You know laws against sex toys could be applied much more broadly than those passing them intended. Because really, any toy below a certain size can be transformed into a sex toy. Location, location, location...
Man, I just got out of there in the nick of time - that had to have happened not long after we left.
Yeah, when I got to the train it was still empty and we had to wait the hour to get everyone bussed over from Beverly, due to it just happening.
"Communist" Rant #307:
What is with all the blood? EVERYWHERE. Intelligent design my ASS. We can't have some sort of valve like we do when we excrete everything else we push grossly out of our bodies? Even when we vomit there is some warning and it's pretty much done all at once. That's a MALFUNCTION and it works better.
What's with the periodic (heh) rush of evil stain fluid that comes (almost inevitably) right after I've returned from the ladies room? And then I have to walk back gingerly so as to not make a mess in my trousers? And why blood, huh? Why something red and messy as shit, can't this be more like snot and not showing on my clothes (and occasionally my desk chair)?
And someone explain the cramping? Cold weather is bad enough without it turning me inside out if the mercury goes below a certain point on Day 1 or 2. Just come out, already. You don't need to fight, just exit. Leave in an orderly fashion and no one (aka ME) gets hurt.
Dear World,
Either make people less stupid and whiny or kill them. Really, it's a reasonable request.
Given the overpopulation problem and the strain put on our global natural resources, I recommend the latter for everyone who is not me or mine. I can provide a list of those people, if necessary.
Thank you for your time,
P.S. If you like, I also have a list of fun ways in which people not on my list can be eliminated. We can turn it into an event. Like a potluck, but fun.