The tricky part is finding a diet that we can stick with because it fits our lifestyle and doesn't leave us feeling totally deprived.
Yes, very much this.
I eat red meat sometimes because, thanks to the fact I almost certainly have fibroids (not officially diagnosed yet, but all the symptoms match and they run in my family), my iron levels run low. I also take daily supplements and eat a fair amount of beans, but I figure the occasional beef dish is a way to make getting enough iron a treat rather than a chore. But I don't overdo, because one of the OTHER things that runs in my family is colon cancer.
I've been on Weight Watchers since the beginning of the year, and I've lost 3 lbs., which I figure is a decent start. I like it because it gives me the flexibility to eat foods that I enjoy and fit with my lifestyle as long as I stay within my point range, and I need that. I mean, my life is pretty crazy. I know it would be better if I never ate convenience foods and never touched a fried potato product again, but realistically that's not going to happen given my current lifestyle. And as for my lifestyle...well, can't quit the job, because we couldn't pay the bills. Can't quit writing, because that's the only way to GUARANTEE I'll never be published, and I get even snarlier if I can't write than if I can't have my carbs. Can't give up the husband and the daughter--I love them and am committed to them. So for the foreseeable future I'm going to be stupid busy, and sometimes that means less than perfect nutritional choices. I'm trying to find ways to fit more cooking time into my life and to cut way back on the bad fats and bad carbs, but for now I need a system with some flexibility and room to be good enough rather than perfect, so that I don't feel like I've Failed Utterly if some Thursday night I'm just too tired to deal with cooking or the kitchen is a mess and I order a pizza or, horrors!, get fast food. So WW works for me, but Atkins and its ilk are a big fat no, because even if they really are the ideal diet that everyone ought to be following, I know that I can't and won't stick to them.