Heh. I'm totally feeling you on the leaky shoes issue. I'm especially annoyed because I bought a pair of flats in...November?...and they're already falling apart. GRRR. Guess I'd better go with the pricier shoes.
Good luck with the keyboard drama, Vortex!!
I should really clean my house. Especially since I have people coming over tomorrow (to watch trashy reality TV!)
My wee sister bought me 3 pairs of shoes for Christmas - just wee slip-on things, but that's all I need in Thailand (where I teach barefoot anyway). But unfortunately she bought Size 5. And my feet are 5 1/2 - so if you've got to pick, it's best to go with 6. (UK sizes, obviously. No idea what that would be in the US - we're talking around 39/40 European, if that helps?)
Why yes, I am the Queen of the Blister People right now. Why do you ask?
I am also A Woman On A Mission. Apparently there is a shop selling T shirts with Batman and Robin snogging. I am going to find said shop, insh'allah, and although I do not wear T shirts, not do I expect there to be any T shirts in Size Fay, nevertheless a Batman/Robin T shirt must and will be mine!!!!
Oh, Susan, what a shitty day. I'm so sorry. I hope today is better.
I am going to find said shop, insh'allah, and although I do not wear T shirts, not do I expect there to be any T shirts in Size Fay, nevertheless a Batman/Robin T shirt must and will be mine!!!!
Oh, how I love Fay!
There's a gorgeous sunrise right now. I'd go take a picture, but I don't want to wake my hosts (the apartment has screens everywhere, so it wouldn't be a very pretty picture from there).
Today we're snorkeling again at a different beach. YAY!
Susan, I hope today is duckless and that your new shoes are both comfy and leak free.
ImemeN, I'm not sleepng because my stomach is upset. I hope it is just being its usual annoying self and I'm not coming down with a stomach bug.
Oh, sj, that sucks. Drinking some tea?
vw, I am jealousy personified right now. I saw the sunrise this morning too, but I was on my way to work, in the rain, with gale-force winds in my face.
Argh, sj, here's hoping it's not The Tummy Thing that's going around.
The sun is rising. I am on the wrong side of the house to verify this, but the very loud chatter of the birds tells me it is so. Guess I'd better go for my 3rd wake up call for Brendon since I haven't seen him walking yet.
Tea would be good. TCG will be up for work soon, and he'll make me a cup.
Ugh, may soothing relief find you soon, sj.
The resident rooster just started doing his thing. He's a little late today. Yesterday he woke me at 5:45.