The Charm City Cake at the event I was at on Saturday, by the way
That's so awesome!
I totally behind in f2f so I don't remember when you're coming or what your plans are but email me if you want to try to get together!
I fly in 1/16 and out 1/22, so plans are being made for 1/17 thru 1/21. We're tentatively thinking about doing DC (I've never been) on the 18th and/or 19th (Hi DCistas!), but the other days are more amorphous. I seem to remember you have a trip coming up too, but if our schedules allow, I'd LOVE to get together.
And drive you by Charm City Cakes.
I suppose asking to get hooked up with Geoff would be asking too much? Ah, well.
We're tentatively thinking about doing DC (I've never been) on the 18th and/or 19th (Hi DCistas!),
you should visit! DC rocks!
you should visit! DC rocks!
Oh yeah. The visit part is fact, just the days are tentative.
You definitely should go to Your Nation's Capitol if you've never been!
There's a roller derby event on Sunday 1/20 i'm definitely going to. If nothing else, Mary Alice may be there. She's a rollergirl.
I suppose asking to get hooked up with Geoff would be asking too much? Ah, well.
heh. so funny that people in the world know these people!
There's a roller derby event on Sunday 1/20 i'm definitely going to. If nothing else, Mary Alice may be there. She's a rollergirl.
This is fabulous*. My friend works at a church and she's worried that there might be a business meeting that night (which she can't skip, as staff), but was afraid I'd be so bored I'd stick a pen in my eye or something. Roller Derby might be slightly more interesting...
*as ideas go. Will have to see logistically...
Don't suppose Secret Crush Society's got a gig anywhere in there? I'd love to see you guys.
Oh, and insent, lisah. No particular content, just letting you know not to spam filter me.
OMG 2.5 hour lunch. I never do that. I'm lucky if I take my usual 30 minutes. And alcohol. And nummy creme brule. Stuffed. So stuffed. And now work. Something is wrong with this picture.
Something is wrong with this picture.
You're right, something
wrong. Why weren't we invited?
Remember how I was moaning about all the nights I had to work right before the holidays? Well I got a "Spotlight Award" worth $250 for my effort!! Awesome!