Another tradition that has been carried on by immigrants and Americans alike, regardless of religion, is the holiday custom of giving back to one’s neighbors and your community. In this regard, immigrants have a special obligation, to reciprocate the bounty of wealth and opportunity that only our American freedom and liberty can provide.
Does anyone else find this statement a bit...I don't the writer is saying that somehow immigrants *owe* the rest of us?
Does anyone else find this statement a bit...I don't the writer is saying that somehow immigrants *owe* the rest of us?
That is *definitely* what the writer is saying.
Which, to me, says the writer is a fuckcake.
27 minutes to the weekend...
...and then: The Shopping.
That is *definitely* what the writer is saying.
Well, those Iraqis should be grateful too, you know, for all we've done for their country. In fact, the world should be grateful to us.
Dear MM
All I want for Christmas is a transporter. I've been good this year. Ok, maybe I haven't been so good - but stiil. Give me the darned transporter and no one will get cut.
Thanks ever so,
My husband gets to leave work at noon. Hmph.
I'm probably leaving at 1:30. Which, uh, means that I probably should finish revising this story and find a title, huh?
Um... Animals in (whatever shithole town) are not allowed to relieve themselves in public, even if they are fenced in on private land????
I do not think those words mean what the city council thinks they mean.
Dear MM,
If you're taking Christmas orders, I would like the nuclear thingamajob. And shrift. And if Suzi would let me borrow the transporter, I swear no one (whom we know) will get cut.
I've been mostly good. I've been grammatically correct. And I've used 'pejorative' and 'suck' in the same sentence.
oh, and I would like a faster-working St. Joseph's statue puh-leeze. Mine's busted.
Dear [insert name here] SuziQ
Thank you for your interest in Miracleman Technologies! We have had a very exciting year in terms of advancement of side-projects and, of course, our massive relocation of our World Headquarters! All in all, 2007 has been a roller-coaster ride, with exciting results!
Of course, due to the incredible and exciting fluctuations in our business model and exciting plans, there have been some minor delays with certain projects. And for this, we are extremely excitingly apologetic.
Be assured, we continue our exciting research into [insert project here] Matter Transportation! We expect many exciting and wondrous results in 2008, including, possibly, success!
So please be patient. And thank you for your exciting interest in Miracleman Technologies! We're very excited! You should be excited, too!
Sole Proprietor and Overlord
Miracleman Technologies
Dear Sox,
See above letter to SuziQ.
Sole Proprietor and Overlord
Miracleman Technologies