They were going to keep it a secret until Friday! We have clients all scheduled for those days and shit!
And I'm guessing it won't be the ones who made this decision who will have to call and reschedule people. Some of whom probably made the appointment for that day because they have off.
Nothing says "Spirit of Christmas" more than forcing beluga whales to wear Santa hats.
OK, they may be wearing the hats by choice....
The idea of one night, one hot tub, and just me and a dolphin with no strings attached is alluring to me, so what? Don't you get it!? I don't go around murdering whales all over the place!
Who wrote that? Alyson Hannigan?
(man--I hope my memory's not lying to me right now)
OMG. Why do people want me to be an expert in things I'm NOT EXPERT IN. And all frantic and last minute because the stuff is so freaking late, for reasons that had nothing to do with me. Now I'm going to give the wrong answer (see above re, not expert) and then shit is going to go down. BAH.
Judge sides with man fired for posting 'Dilbert' comic at office
A judge has sided with a man who was fired for posting a "Dilbert" comic strip that made fun of managers on an office bulletin board.
David Steward was fired from the Catfish Bend Casino because management found the cartoon "very offensive," human resources director Steve Morley testified at a recent unemployment benefits hearing. The casino had challenged his claim for unemployment benefits.
"Basically, he was accusing the decision-makers of being drunken lemurs," Morley testified. "We consider that misconduct when you insult your employer."
The rest of the article describes the Dilbert comic. It sounds to me like "drunken lemurs" was a simile....
Katrina was because God hates us for tolerating the Jews?
Because New Orleans is a hotbed of Jewish cabals and Mardi Gras is one of their religious holidays?
Really brightened up my day! I'm getting a brother in law!