Congrats, DJ's sister!
Because New Orleans is a hotbed of Jewish cabals and Mardi Gras is one of their religious holidays?
That explains all those dreidel-shaped Mardi Gras beads I kept finding on Bourbon Street.
You know what's a bummer? Getting a phone call from the front desk that there's a package for you...a package right before Christmas...getting all excited and going down to pick it up...and then discovering that the "package" is, in fact, a folder full of recommendation letter requests. D'oh!
YAY!! Happy new member of the Jane clan day!
the "package" is, in fact, a folder full of recommendation letter requests.
It's a Christmas non-miracle!
Very happy day! She's been dating this guy for years now so he's already practically part of the family.
Of course now things that Mr. Jane used to get first dibs on, he'll have to fight over with Mr. Littlest Sister.
New Orleans Hillel actually does have a very Mardi Gras-themed Purim. (What? It's about the same time of year, and the big parts of Purim are get drunk, dress in costumes, and make noise. It was lots of fun. Also, since the Hillel house counted as a private residence, drinking age there was 18 rather than 21, and there was an open bar.)
I think we can come up with a better one of these than this [link]
Related to #2. They were going to keep it a secret until Friday! We have clients all scheduled for those days and shit!
My boss does this when it comes to "minor" federal holidays that he decides to give off like Columbus Day or President's Day. He waits until Friday afternoon before the holiday and then is all like - hey why don't you take off this Monday. I've tried to explain how this would be much more meaningful a gesture with a little bit of notice, but he has no family so he doesn't get it.
oh lordy. just by typing that, you sprung fifteen new websites out of the ether.
Sadly, not new - I was summarizing an old Pat Robertson rant.
What's a good gift for like a single, 25-year old New Yorker of any gender?
Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?
It's my fallback gift, anyway.
Yay little DJ sis!
Me too.
I also just tripped over carpet and now I'm pretty sure both knees are going to have spectacular bruises and skinned spots tomorrow.
At least only one of them is bleeding though, so that's something.