"According to a story in the Ypsilanti Courier, Michael Dortmunder, 22 years old and a photography student at a local university, shone a laser into a digital camera and took a picture as part of an 'experimental photography' course section. Upon viewing the results on a monitor in the computer lab, however, he was immediately struck blind, as were two unnamed students who attempted to help him."
I don't get it. What kind of laser? Was he staring down the beam of a laser to take a pic?
Laser Safety Officer Who AINT BUYING IT
Laser Safety Officer Who AINT BUYING IT
Allyson is obviously being paid off by Big Laser.
It was in
the paper,
Laser Safety Officer Who AINT BUYING IT
See? Already the Pro Big Laser Puppets are leaping to hush the whole thing up.
Do you want us all to die, Allyson? You have to forward this e-mail.
That's what the ads say.
Has anyone tested the results with UV lights (or whatever it is they use on CSI)?
Also, I snopesed it and it's totally true!
Speaking of stupid e-mail forwards, my husband's cousin's husband (seriously) sent out this whole thing about Christmas and Jesus and Jews and the omg gasp! secularization of the country. I was rolling my eyes until it got to the part about Billy Graham's daughter explained that Katrina happened because we kicked God out of our lives, so he went and didn't protect us.
Most insensitive use of an e-mail forward ever Y/N?
I, for one, welcome our Big Laser Puppet overlords.