I can see Jayne saying "No no Doc, you got it all wrong. When you punch a guy..." *PUNCH* "...you gotta be tryin' to really PUNCH a guy." *PUNCH* "Here, let me show you..." *PUNCHPUNCHPUNCHPUNCHKICKTHESHITOUTTA*
Spike ,'Sleeper'
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
Thinking back to Jayne's opportunity to play interrogator in episode one, I just don't think he'd enjoy kicking the shit out of a weaker opponent. He might throw a couple punches but as soon as he realized Simon wasn't putting up a fight I think he'd lose interest and wander off.
Wasn't SciFi supposed to be showing a "Firefly" mini-marathon tonight? Was it last week and I missed it? Or am I hallucinating? Because right now they're playing "The Mummy Returns," which is fun and all, but my taste buds were all ready for Serenity and her crew.
Morgana, that was my reaction, too.
I think he'd lose interest and wander off.Yeah, in that he'd see the Dr couldn't pose much of a threat in the least physically.
last nights Nightly Business Report had a shoot at a Best Buy (somewhere). As they panned past the big screen TV's, I couldn't help but notice one was some Firefly folk. Not sure which episode, I think it might have been the movie. It was kinda funny. A boring business news show, and I'm hitting the rewind button.
Morgana, despite advertising the Firefly marathon, they basically cancelled it. I think they've split it over several nights instead, or something.
It was last night starting at 11 pm Eastern. A mini-marathon of 4 episodes.
130 posts? I love you guys! (boo on me being late. But yay on me getting alllll my Christmas shopping done!)
My thoughts on "Safe":
My most favouritest piece of music from the Firefly score is "In the Tam House." Thank goodness for the soundtrack release, because it's so quiet below the scene that I never heard it before I got the CD.
"Cuunningly concealed herd of cows" -- hee! Boy's got a mouth on him.
Dancer-me must again weigh in on this episode: I'm impressed by the dancing in big clompy boots. (Summer's not the only one doing it, but she's probably got the most fancy footwork.) As much as I would love to be able to dance in my Dansko clogs, I just can't do any footwork with three-inch soles.
Um, something that's always bugged me: how do the kidnappers know that Simon's a doctor? do all doctors wear vests?
Book saying maybe one day he'll tell his story. gaaaaahhhh! damn you, joss. (That has no proper capitalisation 'cuz I don't really mean it. Much.)
Something that twigged me the very first time I saw Serenity: I wonder what happened between the series and the movie. We go from "You're part of my crew. Why are we still talking 'bout this?" to "I take care of me and mine. That don't include you 'less I conjure it does."
Another thought: The Tams' dismissal of River, especially in light of their clear regard for Simon, makes me buy the theory that was floating around some years ago that River was a "extra" child they simply bred/raised for the Academy (a la Ender's Game). There could be other explanations, of course, like clear favouritism for Simon over River, or them wanting him to succeed merely for the prestige it afford *them*. But I don't believe Joss would be that straightforward. ;-)
I'm happy to do OMR next week! Note to self: bring DVDs home for Christmas. (to watch on my parents' giant-ass TV, yay!)
Una, if I remember correctly, one of the women called him doc or alluded to him being a doctor while in the store. Or, I could be making that part up.
It looks like I'm not going to be able to make the watch and post this week. I have a carol sing and potluck at my church. The potluck I could (and have) miss, but there is no way I'm going to miss a chance to sing Lo, How a Rose, with all four parts represented.
On the positive side, I get a new toaster! I had spoken long ago to some friends about Firefly. Recently, a nephew visited with a lot of DVDs, including Firefly. Since they had heard of it (from me!), they decided to watch that. After watching, they decided that the Firefly DVDs were not going home with the nephew after all, and now Serenity has been purchased as a Christmas present from one spouse to the other. They seem nearly as enthusiastic as I was when I first saw it, so yeah!!