Good night, all. See you next week if not before.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
You need either better junk food or better meal planning skills.I'm aiming for the latter.
nothing to do with a buxomly red head, does it?In no way does that damage it's standings. But I also love episodes that take an established group and shakes everybody up... with sexy and humorous results in this case.
Missed it again dammit.
nothing to do with a buxomly red head, does it?
Someone's going to the special hell
t /sing song River voice
Who knew the doc could throw a punch.. TWO even! He should do that to Jayne.
I can picture that going one of two ways - 1 - Jayne goes down (ahem - not that way) like a sack of potatoes, or - 2- Jayne takes the punch with barely a flinch, smiles, maybe wipes away a little blood, says "Thank you!" to Simon and starts to whale on him.
2- Jayne takes the punch with barely a flinch, smiles, maybe wipes away a little blood, says "Thank you!" to Simon and starts to whale on him.I picture it going that way but with out the "Thank you". Maybe something more along the lines of "Aw hell this'll be easy". Besides a doctor/surgeon would probably risk his balls more than his hands... not that he'd attempt to defeat Jayne with his balls... but yeah.
I picture it going that way but with out the "Thank you". Maybe something more along the lines of "Aw hell this'll be easy".
See, I pictured Simon punching Jayne as giving Jayne permission to thrash him to his hearts content (in Jayne's mind), an opportunity for which he'd be greatful. Gratned, Jayne ain't all that good with the manners and such, but in that moment, I could see him thinking it was appropriate.
I can see Jayne saying "No no Doc, you got it all wrong. When you punch a guy..." *PUNCH* " gotta be tryin' to really PUNCH a guy." *PUNCH* "Here, let me show you..." *PUNCHPUNCHPUNCHPUNCHKICKTHESHITOUTTA*
Thinking back to Jayne's opportunity to play interrogator in episode one, I just don't think he'd enjoy kicking the shit out of a weaker opponent. He might throw a couple punches but as soon as he realized Simon wasn't putting up a fight I think he'd lose interest and wander off.
Wasn't SciFi supposed to be showing a "Firefly" mini-marathon tonight? Was it last week and I missed it? Or am I hallucinating? Because right now they're playing "The Mummy Returns," which is fun and all, but my taste buds were all ready for Serenity and her crew.
Morgana, that was my reaction, too.
I think he'd lose interest and wander off.Yeah, in that he'd see the Dr couldn't pose much of a threat in the least physically.